14: Practice

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Basketball season has started and I'm sitting in on one of the practices. I didn't make the team but I'd be one of the managers. Everyone was looking good except Ronnie and Kori. Whenever one of them got the ball they did not pass to the other. Coach was becoming extremely pissed and frustrated.

"Everybody on the line now!!" He yelled. All you heard were moans and groans from players who didn't want to run suicides again. "Man fuck this. This isn't our fault" one of the senior post players said. Coach scrunched up his face asking who's fault it was. Everyone pointed to Kori at the same time. Ronnie stood back and laughed because she knew no one liked Kori. The players tried to tell coach not to put her on the team but he insisted because she was such a great shooter. He didn't listen and now the team chemistry is suffering because of it. Why doesn't anyone like Kori? Let's go back a few months ago.

Kori was known as the pimp, player, thot lover. She took every nigga and bitch's girl, fucked them and sent them back when she was done. Kori also liked to record and expose people on social media. The videos were never self incriminating on her part, just the girl. After sleeping with 10 guys girlfriends and six studs girlfriend the school pretty much hated her. Oh did I forget to mention how Ronnie beat Kori's ass for exposing Simone, but Simone turned around and 'dated' Kori anyway. They didn't last but about a month. Multiple lies, about 10 girls, and an ass whooping forced Simone to break up with her.

Ronnie and Tamika just made it official, they're dating now. Ronnie still lives with us in Ms. Johnson's house because she didn't have any money to move out on her own. India and I are still doing our little Situationship. We haven't made it official but everyone knows that we're both off the market. I guess you can say the sex is good and her personality is even better. She booked a nigga and I'm not going anywhere.

"Kori get out of my gym. I tolerate a lot of things but fighting isn't one of them." Coach was pissed and had enough. The whole team cheered as she left the gym mad as hell. "Alright we have three days until our Friday game. Y'all have a lot of work to do if you want to win. Let's stop fuckin around and get to business.


I waited for Ronnie and India to come out of the locker room. Tamika looked like she was getting impatient. Her phone had rung for the 3rd time since we had been standing out here. "The hell is taking them so long?" She said storming into the locker room. I laughed because she did this every day.

"Ronnie bring ya ass on here. What is taking you so long?" All you heard was snicker and laughter coming from her teammates. I know my nigga was embarrassed as hell. Tamika was like her girlfriend, best friend and mama all in one.

India came out first kissing me on the lips. I wrapped my hands around her waist and slowly made my way down to her butt. She pulled away giving me that look. I laughed and shrugged my shoulder. One of her teammates came out and said "India chill. I don't blame her. If I was her I wouldn't know what to do. Be on some Plies please excuse my hands type shit."

She slapped her in the back of the head as she walked away. I didn't like how some of her teammates were attracted to her, but I guess that was to be expected. "Baby you coming to my house tonight?" She asked. I shook my head no. Ms. Johnson had to work late and wouldn't be off until 3am. Simone was at home with Jay.

She poked her lips out and tried to guilt me into coming over. It was hard, but I stood my ground. "Not tonight baby!" She sucked her lips and walked off leaving me standing in the same spot I had been in. I rolled my eyes and ran after her. I tried to hold her hand but she jerked away. She wouldn't be mad at me for long so I gave her the space she needed.

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