Chapter 10- Visitors

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*** Tristan's POV***

I sat awkwardly on the couch, embracing Jessie in a long hug while she cried soft sobs. She had just found out that Dylan had been cheating on her with her really good friend. I don't really see how this is different from any other break up with him has been. He begs her to get back with him. She accepts. They go out. He breaks up with her. She gets upset. He begs her to get back with him. It's all really sad. I have only had one official girlfriend my whole life. She has had about thirty different boyfriends. They are all no good for her. She deserves better, but she doesn't see it.

"Hey," I say, peeling her off of me and holding her shoulders. She looks up with tears in her eyes, her mascara smudged down her face. "How about I go make some tea and then we will watch some old Gossip Girl reruns?"

Her only reply was a small nod as she reached for the remote. I stood and slipped out of the room to the kitchen. I began getting out supplies when I heard a knock at our door. I called to Jessie that I will answer it. I jogged to the door and opened it only to be met with the gorgeous green eyes I had only previously seen.


"So, Nate and Blair date but Chuck likes Blair and Nate likes Serena. Who's Blair's best friend. But Serena is dating Dan. And Dan has a little sister named Jenny. And I totally ship Jenny and Nate. Even if he is a little older." Jessie explained.

Effie sat, wide eyed, as she took in all the information just fed to her. She was curled up under a blanket next to Jessie. I sat in the chair in the corner and watched in amusement as Effie tried to figure out the characters and the story line.

"Okay. I think I got it." She said, hesitantly.

"Good." Jessie said smiling. Effie fixed her makeup as she confided her feelings about boys and relationships to her earlier while I made tea. Now we sat in my living room, tea in hand, Netflix paused, ready to start the first season if Gossip Girl.

"Do you actually watch this show?" Effie asked, turning towards me in amazement.

"Well yeah. It's a great bonding experience, and it's really good." I said shyly, defending myself and my show.

"Ohhhkay. I will keep that in mind." She said with a smirk.

"Shhh. It's starting. I don't want to have to re-explain it." Jessie scolded. Effie snapped her head back to the tv. But not before giving me a small wink accompanied by a smirk.


The credits to the first season began rolling. I looked over to the girls and saw the both curled up on opposite sides of the couch with their eyes peacefully shut.

I stood up and collected our mugs which previously held tea. I crept to the kitchen and quietly placed them in the sink.

"She's a sweet girl you know." A sleepy voice spoke from behind me. I quickly turned around to see Effie standing in the doorway, slightly squinting from the kitchen light.

"You should go lay back down. It's late." I said, walking over to her.

"Are you sure, I mean, I can go home." She piped, wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"No it's okay. I wouldn't want you walking home in this storm anyway. And besides, we can always just call in sick tomorrow for school or go late." I directed her back to the couch and tucked her back in. The soft glow of the tv being my only guide. I felt around for the remote.

"No." Jessie whispered, "I'm still watching." I chuckled and laid the remote back down beside her. I returned to my chair and dozed off, the rain and the drama from the tv being a soft lullaby.


I awoke to the sound of our door clicking shut. I stirred in the chair and adjusted my eyes before seeing the tv off and Jessie alone on the couch, still sleeping.

I slid out of the chair and rushed over to the door. I flung the door open only to reveal no one. I stepped out and checked the surroundings of our house. Effie must have left already. I checked the clock to the tv to find that it's six thirty. I decided to let Jessie sleep and stumbled up stairs to take a shower. Still wondering what had Effie leaving so early.

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