Chapter 8- The Club

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*** Tristan's POV ***

"Effie?!" I whisper screamed, "what are you doing? I thought I was about to get beaten to death!"

"That can be arranged." She smirked cooly as she sat down on a flipped over bucket. I tried my best to hold my straight face but something about her just made me want to smile. I couldn't be mad at her. I broke eye contact to look around for another bucket or something for me whilst letting out a grin. "Anyways Bad Boy, I just wanted to personally invite you to join my club."

"Your club?" I said, finding myself a paint can to rest on.

"Yes. There's a few of us in it but not many. Just Danni, Caulfield, Amanda, and I."

"Caulfield? That's an interesting name." I had never heard anyone named that before.

"Yeah. It's his last name but his first name is just ridiculously long and really hard to pronounce. His parents are Swedish or something." She explained.

"Oh." Now I'm curious as to what his first name is.

"Well anyways. You seem cool. Like you can keep secrets, get our sense of humor, understand our ways, not judge. All that jazz that makes you a cool guy. Just come sit with us at lunch. I'd love to see how you do with everyone." She smiled and stood about to make her exit.

"Wait. What exactly is your clubs name?" I don't think she mentioned it earlier.

"Oh it's a secret. You can only know if you join. And take up my offer, these things are just given out to anyone." And with that she walked out of the room. I stood up quickly hoping to catch her. I still had one more question. I got out the door only to see the hall filled with students, none of which were Effie.

When I made it to my locker I noticed a small slip of paper sticking out. I quickly snatched it and unfolded the note. It read 'By the way, we sit at the table in the corner. Cant wait for you to join. ~E.'

I took the paper and stuffed it in my backpack. I couldn't help but think that this girl may have liked me. I continued to my next class with a smile on my face.


After another two classes, the lunch bell rings. I make my way to the cafeteria like most of the other students. Once in the room I look for the table that Effie described. I think I found it except no one was seated there. I decided to go ahead and get my lunch. As I wait in line I feel I tap of my shoulder. I turn to face where the touch came from but no one was there. As I turn back to look the other side I'm greeted with a pleasant surprise.

"Hey Mr. Bad Boy!" It was Effie. Her bright green eyes seemed even brighter when she smiled.

"Hey." I retorted. Turning back to the line ahead of me. I slid my tray along the counter as the line moved forward.

"Just so you know we are over there." She pointed over to the corner I had suspected. There was two girls and two guys. I remember Effie only mentioning three people other than herself. I told her I'd be there after I get my lunch. She simply shook her head and stated that she was going to stay with me in line.

After retrieving our lunches consisting of a chicken salad sandwich and a bag of chips for me and an apple and a soda for Effie, we walked over to the corner and to our table. The table was round and it had three separate benches that curved around it. The bench farthest in the corner had a boy and a girl. The boys arm was wrapped around the girls shoulder and hung loosely on the other side. I suppose they are dating. The girls hair was a dark, deep red, obviously not natural but it looked really pretty on her. Her supposed boyfriend had his light brown hair tucked under a grey beanie that matched his silver rimmed glasses. He seemed pretty cool.

As we approached the table the red headed girl nudged the boy with glasses making his attention turn to us. The two seated on the opposing side to them turned their heads and followed the beanie boys gaze to us.

The girl on the bench across from the couple had the darkest brown eyes I had ever seen and the darkest hair to match it. Her pin straight hair cascaded over her shoulder in one of the most beautiful ways I had ever seen. A smirk soon formed on her lips. The guy beside her had dirty blonde hair that was swept to the side kind of like mine. Except his hair curled at the ends. As we got closer I noticed his eyes. They were a greenish gray color. I had never seen anything like them.

Effie sat down on the bench beside the blonde and motioned for me to join beside her. All eyes were still on me as I took my seat to the left of Effie, beside the boy in the beanie.

"Hi, I'm Amanda." The dark haired girl beamed.

"Hi Amanda. I'm Tristan." I said back politely. She continued to introduce everyone.

"This is Danni," she said putting her hand on the blonde boys shoulder. He nodded a hello and I returned it, "That's Logan," she motioned to the redhead across from her. Logan shot me a wide smile and a small wave, "and that's Caulfield." The boy beside patted my back.

"I think your gonna fit in great here," he said, with much enthusiasm. I thanked him with a small smile and turned to Effie who had finished her apple and was now eating from my bag of chips.

"I hope you don't mind. They were just taunting me!" She explained.

"That's okay." I nodded, a laugh escaping my lips. We spent the rest of lunch trading food having small conversations here and there. They were mostly about bands and tv shows but Logan did bring up her dying her hair again and wanting our opinion on what color she should do it. We decided as a unit on a bright blue we agreed it would match her eyes beautifully.

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