John (1964)

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          "Just leave me alone John," you said as you made your way home.
      John ran after you. "Babe, I told you I was sorry! How many times do I have to say it!"
      You turned and looked at John. He stared at you in disbelief, his tie and hair slightly messy from running after you. You sighed. "John, this is the 3rd time you've been late to a date. Not to mention you missed two. I'm getting so tired of it. I feel like you don't even care about me anymore." You stood there and shivered, cursing yourself for wearing a short-sleeved dress. Of course, you didn't know John would be an hour late.
       John removed his jacket and tried to wrap it around you, but you shrugged it off, not wanting to give in. John rolled his eyes. "(Y/N), I care about you very much. It's just with filming the movie and-"
    "Yes, the movie, I understand. But when we set these dates up, you tell me it's during your free time. So if you can't even make it, then why do you bother trying to see me?" Tears started to fill your eyes.
     "I make dates with you to see you. Do you think I'm doing this to you on purpose? You're my girl. You know that." He wrapped you in his arms and tilted your chin up. "I am genuinely sorry. I make dates thinking I can keep them. But either stuff comes up or I underestimate my schedule. I promise from here on out, I will keep the dates and not schedule if I can't."
     He kissed your eye, and you giggled, scolding him for kissing your makeup you slaved over a counter to perfect. He swung you in his arms and asked, "So, how about we go down back to the pier and have some fun?"
    You nodded, and slipped on his navy blue jacket. You were secretly delighted that his jacket was big on you, making you feel cute and fuzzy inside. John smiled, loving when you wore one of his shirts or jackets. He grabbed your hand and you two walked down to go get ice cream and play games down at the pier. You were so glad that you and John made up.

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