Paul (1967)

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"Can I just get a cup of tea, please," I told the waitress as she asked for my order. It was 6:00pm, and I was alone at a diner. How pathetic.
Earlier today, my girlfriend broke up with me, the boys were arguing, and I burned my hand on the stove. Talk about a bad day. I opened my newspaper and began to read the comics to try and lighten my spirits.
The waitress comes back, and I look at her for the first time. She was very pretty. I asked for her name.
"(Y/N)." She said rather nervously.
"Have a moment to chat?" I asked.
"Actually, I do. My break is now." She sat next to me.
"I know it's not your job, but do you mind opening your ear to a fella who's down?"
"Sure. I don't mind at all."
"I'm just such a wreck right now. Recording the new album is so stressful, the boys have been arguing lately, and my girlfriend left me today. I just don't know what to do, ya know? I mean, I'm at a diner by myself, sulking for god sakes!"
"I'm sorry to hear that, Paul." (I liked how she knew my name.) "Maybe you just need to take a couple days off. Tell the boys you're too stressed and explain it's hard to cope with this breakup."
"I suppose so. Isn't it funny, I didn't think about taking a break. It's all work, work, and more work. Hey, thanks."
She smiled. "It's no problem."
"Hey, crazy idea. But how would you like to go out sometime? You're very nice."
She blushed. "A little early for a date you think?"
"Perhaps. But you just gotta live life, ya know?"
"Well, in that case, sure!"
"Gear! Have a day off?"
I asked her for her number and as I walked out, I turned around and smiled and winked at her. She giggled with her friend and she winked back. I chuckled and walked out the door. "Still got it, McCartney." I mumbled to myself. Looks like a bad day could have a good ending.

{A/N: Sorry about this one guys. I couldn't really think of a good story for Paul and I really wanted to publish something. Hope you enjoyed it anyways (: }

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