Ringo (1968)

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"I dunno Richie..it seems dangerous.." You said nervously as you and your boyfriend walked up to the abandoned library.
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun! We won't get in trouble," Richie pleaded, eager to explore his findings.
"I'm not worried about that," you started. "I'm worried there might be some crazy homeless person or a serial killer or a bunch of nasty bugs in there!"
"Well the bugs and the bum is a possibility. But, our chances of running into a serial killer is pretty small," Richie explained with a laugh at your nervousness. You looked up at him. He looked at you and pleaded with his big blue eyes.
"Fine," you sigh. "Let's go, then."
"Alright!" Richie exclaimed, pulling you along as you chuckled. You guys entered the small opening in the back.
"Ugh, it's quite musty in here," you said, wrinkling your nose. Richie agreed, and then sneezed. And then you sneezed. And then a sneezing battle occurred because of all the dust in the air. You two looked at each other then laughed.
You stayed by Richie and held his hand as you two walked along the abandoned library. Books were scattered about and chairs lined the room; some sitting up and some knocked over. You picked up a book and saw it was a copy of "A Christmas Carol".
"Hey, take a look at this," Richie exclaimed, holding up what looked like an I.D. Card. You walked over and he handed it to you.
It was an old library card from the 40s. You read the information on the card and then looked up at the library. You imagined people sitting in the red chairs, reading a copy of what was popular, and children laying about the floor, looking at the picture books. You looked at the long, brown, dusty tables and imagined when they were crisp and clean, and saw teenagers researching for their history essay.
Richie came up behind you and held you. "Whatcha thinking about?" He whispered.
"I'm thinking about what this place used to be. How it was once alive with people, and clean."
"You can get so lost in your imagination sometimes," he said with a chuckle.
With that, Richie let go and you two explored a bit longer, and to your relief you didn't find any crazy bums or serial killers; just lost, abandoned artifacts of what used to be that sparked your imagination and truly kept the place alive, no matter how much dust and dark surrounded it. You were secretly thanking Richie for taking you on this trip, to get you to expand your mind more and re-open the imagination you've seemed to have lost for a while.
{A/N: Just a quick note, this story was inspired by all the videos on YouTube I've been watching. I've binged watched videos of people exploring abandoned places. My favorite ones are the abandoned theme parks. They can be very creepy and surreal, especially imagining them once with tons of people. If you've never seen videos like that, I highly recommend them, they're very cool (: }

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