George (1967)

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   "Oooh.." You moaned in pain for what seemed like the millionth time. George rubbed your tummy.
    "You may have eaten something rotten," he said softly, holding a damp rag to your forehead.
    "Possibly," you muttered, clutching the bed sheets from the sheer pain of your stomachache.
    "Honey, I'm going to go to the store to get you some things. Any requests?"
    You shook your head no and rolled on your side. George rolled you back over on your back.
    "You can't roll on your side, it'll make it worse. Trust me. Remember that stomachache I got after we went out to eat that one time?"
   You laughed and nodded. George smiled and left the room. You grabbed a book and tried to take your mind off the pain as to waited for George to get back home.

   You were nodding off when you saw the soft glow of the hall light wash in as George slowly pushed the door open. You heard the rustling of a paper bag.
    "Here, I bought you some Ginger Ale to help with the stomachache." George said, handing you the bottle. You opened it and took a sip.
   "George, honey, I appreciate it, but could you put it in a cup with some ice please? It's very warm."
   "Oh, of course! Sorry, I didn't think about that." George walked out and soon walked back in with your glass. You graciously took it and took a drink, the cold liquid feeling good on the back of your throat.
    "Thank you," you said as you set your drink down on the night stand.
   "Mmhmm. Anything else? Soup? Crackers?"
   "No, I actually want to go to sleep."
   "Are you sure? Even the smallest amount can help. It absorbs the ick."
    "No thank you," you said, closing your eyes.
    "Okay.." You heard the smallest hint of frustration in his voice, but you knew trying to force even one cracker would send you into a throw up spree. You closed your eyes and felt sleep take over you..
   You woke up, and it was around 11:30pm. God, you thought, I must have been asleep for at least 4 hours. You turned slightly to your left and was surprised to see George, sipping on tea, reading a newspaper in the chair next to the bed. He looked up.
    "Feeling any better?" He asked.
     "Think you can at least get a cracker in?"
    "Sure, why not."
  George got up and made his way to the kitchen. 10 minutes later he came back with a tray. Oh no, you thought.
   "Just try some. I know you care for cream of lemon soup." He said to you as he helped you sit up. You weren't happy about it at first, but smelling the soup made you think twice. You took a bite and let the warm soup comfort you.
    "Did you make this?" You asked.
   "No I picked it up at the shop. I just warmed it up."
   "Thank you so much for taking care of me, honey." you said to him.
    "Of course my princess."

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