Chapter 6

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Marshall woke up when the end of school day bell rung. He cursed and groaned as he squinted at his surroundings. He remembered where he was pretty quickly, and noticed the time as well. He would literally have to run at this point to get to the auditorium on time.

With that thought in mind, Marshall shot up from his comfortable position to grab his bag and guitar to leave the classroom.

He was very nearly late, but he had gotten to the auditorium with enough time to catch his breath and walk in as royalty would. He knew about what people thought of his presence. He noticed quite a few girls loosen a button or two, or pulled down the front of their shirts to show Marshall what they had in store. He was one to give a warm hearted smile, never taking a glance down at their goodies. He was probably one of the least perverted boys that were currently standing in the hall near their instruments.

He walked into the doors of the auditorium to see one of his fellow judges fuming at him, her bunny ears bouncing with each step.

"Why were you late, Marshall? Everyone, and I mean everyone, was waiting for you. Cake is not happy, either." Fionna yelled at Marshall, leaning on one leg with her arms crossed. She shook her head. "Never mind, we got to go judge people."

Fionna grabbed Marshall's arm and pulled him to a table that was positioned in front of the stage. It had three chairs, and one of them was already occupied by Cake.

Cake looked over at Marshall. "You have some nerve for being late. Some president that you are." She groaned as she was handed a clipboard with a list of all of the people trying out from another member. "We're going to be here all day with this last. This is almost a third of the school!" She sighed as she scanned through the list.

"Let me take a look." Marshall said.

"You're going to be holding that junk all day. Might as well get comfortable with it." Cake said as she handed the clipboard to Marshall.

Marshall scanned through the names. Some of them he recognized from last year, others he didn't. There were, though, two names that had caught his eye. One made him smile, the other cringe.

Ashley Gray.

Bubba Gumball.

Marshall not so subtly put an "X" near Ashley's name. He didn't care how talented she was. She would consume the power that she would get from being in the club.

"You turned sour fast." Cake peered over to the clipboard. "Oh."

"Yeah. Let's just all make an agreement that she is NOT allowed to join the club, whether she is good or not."

"Agreed." Both Cake and Fionna said.

"Sweet. Now, who's first?" Marshall asked the two girls.

A good portion of time had passed, and Marshall thought sourly of the fact that they were barely halfway through the list of applicants. Very few of the people that had auditioned already were good enough to consider. It was seriously that bad. Last year we had nearly filled all of the positions by the time we were halfway done. We had to open a few more spots because there were some really good members that we couldn't get in. We have roughly twenty open spots from the seniors leaving, and we have only filled three. One a pianist, one a singer, and a guitar player.

We had successfully been able to alphabetize the order in which people were auditioning, and we had gotten only through the first six letters. The "G" name were up next. A few people tried, but simply weren't that good. I checked the next name on the list, and it read Ashley Gray.

I groaned as she basically danced on to the sways, emphasizing her hips and body. Behind Marshall were all of the people that were trying out and had already tried out. They were cheering and wolf whistling at her entrance. She knew how to rile up a crowd up, to say the least. She was giving them a cute, flattering look, and one that Marshall could describe as awful.

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