Chapter Eighteen

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"Is this it?" Thunder asked, as he, Chris, Fidel, and I walked up to a big, scary warehouse. I waited for a second to make sure Lucus walked inside.

"Must be," I said, when he finally did.

We snuck into the warehouse through an alternate alleyway, and eventually followed the voices to a mutual room in the center. Large, thick stacks of boxes scattered the room, and there was a cliché clearing in the middle of it all. Luke sauntered over across the cold concrete, and undid a small flap in one of the boxes, to reveal what I assume was the bomb. Average hiding place. The men around him watched and helped out for a while before I became really bored and started zoning off. After a while, though, I knew we were screwed, because I heard someone walking our way. And that was the only way out. If we were to try and slip past him to go the opposite way, there was an amost certain possibility he would see us.

So, of course, being me, I threw the three pairs of disguises at the boys and leapt to my feet. I knew something like this was going to happen, and I would have to sneak somewhere while they distracted somehow. They needed the disguises because the men would recognise them if they were the ones who tied us up. The disguises consisted of two pairs of nerd glasses, one pair of aviators, two hats, and a journal and pen.

I ruffled up their hair and whispered, "Wear these and distract!"

With that, I ran to the other end of the boxed hallway, before squeezing my way in between a set of them. This in itself took a massive amount of time, seeing as how they were very tall and I didn't want anyone to see them move.

"Uh, excuse me?" Chris said in a very nasally voice.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and looked their way. I squeezed my way through another set of boxes as they continued their conversation.

"We seem to be a bit lost. We're from an international college, although we were born in Massachusetts. Well, not my friend here," Fidel said, motioning to Thunder, who was dressed as a bad boy with aviators. That blonde hair was so... "He's from New York."

"How ya doin'?" Thunder asked, doing that ghetto greeting nod. I almost broke down with laughter.

By now, everyone had almost completely made their way significantly closer to the boys, giving me room to sneak behind them. It was a very large room though. It would take way too much time to continue going through and behind the boxes, although there would be less of a risk. I can't risk my bros getting beat up though. I must walk a little ways behind Luke, who has finally turned his attention away from the bomb.

"Anyway, uh..." Chris paused to gulp loudly, as he looked at the potential murder/drug-dealers in front of them. "I, uh... We are journalists, trying to finish an international psychology report involving, uh..."

He never was the smart one.

"We need to know if you either have an idea where the research center is, or if you would be willing to help us out with the report ourselves," Fidel saved.

Okay. I'm at the bomb. And it's killing me, because I'm about five feet directly behind Luke. There's something Chris is trying to warn me about with his eyes, but there's no way in hell I'll figure out what. The question is, should I risk them hearing me attach the virus to the bomb, or should I do a distraction somehow...?

I might be able to knock over boxes on the other side of the room with a rock, but then what? They would eventually look back... Oh! I know!

It took me a solid thirty seconds, while the boys started an argument as a civil war within the bombers, but I finally knocked down the boxes with my psychic powers. Like I said earlier, I've been practicing. Immediately after, I used them to flip all the light switches off, which wasn't near as hard. While all the men were either containing the boys, which resulted in a fight, or running towards the boxes, I secured the bomb-attachment-thingy onto the bomb-thingy, and then ran the hell out of there after grabbing one of the boys' attention. And after that, we ran like hell all the way home, never using a major street. It seemed like forever, and my adrenaline never stopped pumping, for one reason. Just before we left, I could swear I saw, through the darkness, Lucus staring right at me.

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