Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to an all too familiar feeling of a bucket of water being thrown on me. I slowly opened my eyes, already knowing I was kidnapped-from the restraints on my wrists and ankles- but was too tired to lift my head.

"Sit up straight!" the same guy from last night ordered.

I didn't comply.

A loud noise echoed throughout the seemingly hollow room, as a stinging sensation (and not the good kind) erupted on my right cheek. The bastard slapped me!

"I said sit up!" he yelled, slightly louder.

I groaned. "I can't you idiot... I'm a diabetic. How long have I been out? God, I need a doughnut." I sputtered.

"That's all the better. You won't put up as much of a fight, but oh well," he said, walking towards me.

That, of course, made my head snap up, as my eyes widened in fear. The adrenaline suddenly rushing through me from my panic attack allowed me to flex all the muscles in my body, but to no avail. It was gone just as soon as it had come, and I was left with no energy, and droopy eyes.

He continued to approach me, and finally forced himself on me, his lips smashing to mine. The whole time, I kept my lips shut tight, still struggling to get out of the ropes that were no doubt making my legs bleed.

My kidnapper must have decided I wasn't fun enough, because he stabbed a knife into my right thigh, making me instinctively gasp, and whimper in pain. I would have screamed, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Just as this happened, I could have sworn I heard the door open and close a second later, but it must have been my imagination, because I could tell there was no one else in the room. My mind is always playing tricks on me anyway.

Apparently, he got the reaction he wanted, because he forced himself more on me, slipping his tongue in my mouth. Of course, I did the same thing any normal person would do. I bit it. He jumped off of me, blood pouring out of his mouth, as he cursed.

"You bitch!" he exclaimed.

Just as he was about to strike me again, a phone rang from the near distance.

"You just wait. This isn't over," he warned, stepping out of the room. I laughed a little at the funny way he talked with a sore tongue.

I let out a sigh of relief, as I looked down at my now throbbing leg, the knife still in it, with blood literally pouring out.

I really hope someone is on their way to get me.

Lucus' POV

I stormed back into the house, furious as hell. How could this happen? I just don't get it. I thought I was her mate. Weren't we supposed to only feel sparks with each other? Maybe she just doesn't want to commit right now. And I respect that. But why couldn't she just tell me?

Okay, you're probably confused. If not, good for you. Just, let me explain.

You see, last night, when Sky was an hour late, I knew something was wrong. I went to my brothers, and we all put our spritual energy together to figure out where she was. After a while, we got an address, as well as an image of her tied to a chair, knocked out.

However, when we went to rescue her, me telling the other guys to wait in the car (I would call to them through the mind link if I needed backup), I didn't exactly see something I was too happy about.

Sky was obviously enjoysing herself with that asshole of a kidnapper! I know what you're thinking, though. How do I know he wasn't just forcing himself upon her? At first I thought so, but then she gasped, letting that douchebag french kiss her! Even I haven't done that!

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