Chapter 8: Grace

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Grace's POV

The next few days passed in a blur.

Some fancy dude came in, made me fill out this endless stack of papers, asked me personal and awkward questions, gave me a strict uniform I needed to wear, and finally, ranked me as a three.

It made me feel almost immediately apart from my family, who were still fives.

Three days before we were supposed to leave for the selection, an emergency Report came on.

Lauren Anderson dropped out of the selection, so a new girl who's name I don't remember was the replacement. Who knows why Lauren dropped out. She probably thought the Princes weren't fancy enough.

My last day at home was filled with lots of hugs, tears, and people I didn't know saying I had grown so much.

Wearing my uniform, I strutted to the airplane that would take me to the palace.

"Bye Gacey!" I looked back and Luke was waving a chubby hand at me. I ran back and gave my family one long last hug. Mom stroked my long blonde hair, which went to my hip.

With tears in my eyes, I boarded the plane.

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