Louise POV
When Tiagen was leading us to the secret passage way, I noticed something. A girl was crying for help, her cries barely audible over the alarms.
I watched Taigen throw open the door, and while they were all scurrying in, I ran to the girl's cries. I found her on the bottom of the stairs, clutching her ankle.
It was that girl Michelle. I had only talked to her once, but I knew her and Grace were good friends. I couldn't leave her behind. I won't let it happen again. I sprinted down the stairs. I heard footsteps far behind me, and ran even faster.
I practically ripped Michelle's arm off trying to help her up, but she finally stood. I supported her weight and helped her limp to somewhere with shelter.
"Louise!" Taigen suddenly called. He was running down the stairs. He must've been the footsteps behind me. He picked Michelle up and led us to what I assumed was yet another secret passageway. A couple guards were nearby and started escorting us to the secret door.
But I wasn't watching my feet, and tripped over something. I fell over. I tripped on a dead soldiers body. I felt like throwing up. And I was too dizzy to help myself up. All of this was all too familiar.
"Taigen!" I yelled on the floor. He looked back.
"Louise!" He started running towards me but a few guards blocked his way.
"Were sorry sir but our first priority is to save the royal family. We have to get you to safety." One soldier said.
Then I heard another voice. "There she is!" I looked to the voice. It belonged to a man wearing commoners clothing, and he was pointing at me. He was a rebel.
"Get her! And kill anyone who gets in our way!" The man said and five other men dressed the same way started running at me. My eyes widened. I had to get away. I will not let another person die because of me.
I hopped up and ran towards the nearest exit, black spots clouding my vision. I heard Taigen yell, "Louise, no!" , but he was Still barricaded by soldiers. And I didn't listen. If the rebels wanted me, for whatever reason, I needed to lead them away from the royal family and my friends.
I burst through the palace doors, and ran and ran and ran. I ran like I might actually be saving some lives by doing this. I ran like I could save my father this time. I looked back. It looked like all of the rebels had followed. They must really hate me.
I kept running. There was a forest about a mile away. I could hide there. Until then, I had to keep sprinting.

Another Selection Story
RomanceBecause you probably need another fan fic about the Selection.:) So! Maxon and America had triplets! All boys! There's Max, Taigen, and Lee. There's also three girls from completely different places, though all 5's. Grace likes to laugh, cook, an...