Lees cute right?
Grace's POV
I could hear Raquel's singing from a whole 6 layers of wall away. It made me smile.
Her singing was contagious. I couldn't help but hum Let it Go. Soon enough, I was singing. Quietly. However, obviously not quiet enough, because I heard a knock on my door. Thinking it was Raquel coming to recruit me, I yelled, "It's open," and kept singing, still very quiet.
It wasn't Raquel.
Taigen leaned against the wall, waiting for me to realize it was him. I still didn't even notice until he said, "You know, I was going to ask you on a date to the movies, but I think Ill just stay here and listen to you instead. "
I gasped and my cheeks turned bright red. "I thought you were Raquel!" I laughed.
"You really think Raquel could stay quiet that long?" He asked. I laughed.
"But seriously." His expression was serious. "That sounded incredible! It's almost your fourth day here and you haven't sang for us! Ooh! I have it! This Friday, were having a party. Please sing for us!" His puppy dog eyes were so persuading that I obliged. Friday was in two days.
Rolling my eyes, I asked, "Any requests?"
"Meh sing whatever you want.im sure whatever you choose will sound beautiful." I blushed.
"Oh, and also I will be seeing you at 4:30 tomorrow for that date." Without even looking to see if I agreed, he slipped behind the door and just like that, he left. Boys.
Later...After lunch, we had dance lessons. We were partnered with girls with similar skill level, but I still felt like an idiot. I was partnered with Michelle, luckily. After about 5 minutes, Sylvia, our teacher person (I know she's still here, crazy right?) evaluated our progression. When she passed me, she tapped me on the shoulder, and I knew I must've done something wrong. I've never done this kind of dancing before.
"I believe you and Michelle are ready to dance with actual men. Michelle, you will dance with Lee, and Grace, let's pair you with...hmm..."please don't say Max please don't say Max!! "...Max. Yes. Max." It took every ounce if willpower not to groan.
Reluctantly, I grabbed his hand and my skirt and started the waltz. He was a very good dancer. And man, he was handsome. He kept eye contact the entire time, even when we split for part of the dance. I didn't break the eye contact. For if there's one thing I've learned, it's to never break eye contact. It shows weakness.
His steel grey eyes challenged me to break eye contact, but he didn't know how stubborn I was. I only looked away when Sylvia said dance lessons were over, and we were free to go to our rooms.
Later again...
I was wandering in the halls again. It's somehow very pleasing. I passed the basketball court and heard voices. I recognized one of them as Lees. There was Taigens. And someone else. Oh. Max. Bleck. I walked on, trying not to eavesdrop. But I have no self control, so making sure no one else was around, I peeked my head in the door.
"Max, why do you even hate her so much?" Lee asked, and shot a basket. Swish!
"Yeah man," this voice belonged to Taigen, "She's actually really cool."
"And pretty,"Lee nudged Max.
"I don't hate her,"Max said, obviously frustrated. "I mean, yeah I was a little surprised when she came back with all those 'tall' jokes," Goodness gracious they were talking about me!

Another Selection Story
RomanceBecause you probably need another fan fic about the Selection.:) So! Maxon and America had triplets! All boys! There's Max, Taigen, and Lee. There's also three girls from completely different places, though all 5's. Grace likes to laugh, cook, an...