Holidays and After

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“You should go to the clinic.” Mr.Yong suggested.

“well it’s okay. No biggie here..just a simple headache.” Said Sleeq.

“Aiyah….just go lah.” Adrian persuade him.

“okay…fine..i’ll go” Sleeq agreed.

“it’s just next to our building..if I’m not mistaken” I Said

Sleeq smiles and then make his way to the door with Adrian as his companion. We then continue our Geo lesson. Nothing much happen. Like always…Yuri annoyed Mr.Yong the most. The silence broke down after Yuri started to annoy Mr.Yong… “Mr Yong!! I Love you bahh~~” Yuri teased. Mr.Yong narrowed his eyes and then said “I’m..I’m gay! Don’t u disturb me again.” “haizz..cher, y ur belly so big one ah? Meanwhile you’re like so thin..haha” Yuri teased him again. Mr.Yong completely ignored her.

“Cher, will you die if you have HFMD?” Yii Qian asked.

Mr.Yong facepalmed himself and then replied her “ won’t die of’s just a virus tht’s infecting your body.”

“why ppl can get affected by HFMD ?” Lissa questioned

“People get infected bcause they didn’t take care  of their body hygiene..And their antibody are not used to the ‘foreign’ viruses.” Mr.Yong explained.

After that, Mr.Yong continued the topic of today’s lesson. It’s about River thingy which is easy for me cause I’ve learned and memorize this thing a lot last year cause last year we’re having SPE .And exam from the government.

Mr.Yong seems to have a little difficulty of explaining on ‘Corrasion’ & ‘Corrosion’ lol. People like to troll him. We made ppl confuse between ‘Corrasion’ & ‘Corrosion’ haha! But there is this guy,Kun Hor, he really don’t get what’s the difference between both of them. Cause he thinks that corrasion must be something related to the air or something. Lol. I was like “Compression is different from these two -,-“  I facepalmed.

In the middle of explaining, Adrian came back from the clinic. Then he told us that Sleeq was given oxygen thingy and then the nurse asked him to go home to take some rest. So Adrian packs Sleeq’s stuff and then brought it back to our class.


It’s recess! I went back into the class. I don’t have the appetite to eat cause idk....i just don’t feel like eating. So Taemin took a chair and then sit in front of me. As he tries to speak up, there’s so many ppl came to our class to see Taemin. But some of them are like disgracing him for being the new kid in town. Well , Chanyeol drive them all away so that there’s no riot happening. I thanked him.

I was looking for Ray meanwhile Taemin was just sitting quietly nearby my sit. I bet Ray’s in the toilet. So I waited him. ***Aha there he is*** Ray walked up to the entrance and then talk to this girl call Ginnie . Ginnie has 4 bestfriends. Among them all, she’s the most quiet type person. She’s also kinda secretive. If she really wants something, it’ll happen automatically. I’m not sure if she wants Ray cause Sleeq told me that she also have a crush on Ray. How do Sleeq knows? Well, Sleeq and Ray were one of them last year. It all change when they didn’t seems to talk to each other for so long.


The recess was over and then the lesson were resume as normal. Sooo next is ‘RK’ lesson which me and 3 others are attending. And the ‘Rk’ class were situated in the primary section. (RK stands fot Religious Knowlegde) After attending RK class, we went back to the class and we noticed that the whole class on our school opened the window widely and even the little windows are opened! Eun Ji said that they opened the window widely so that the virus won’t be trapped in the class. My reaction was priceless.

Mr.Yeap came into our class and he will just stay for 5-7 mins. He wanted to make a few adjustment on our seats. He change Taemin’s seat with Yuri. “No!” I protested “why taemin need to sit there?” I asked. “oh it’s because other teachers keep complaining that both of you were always talking.” Mr.Yeap replied. I made a frowny face to him…………. After everything is settled, Mr.Yeap leaves our class and then next, we having Physics lesson. I found that Physic is so damn difficult!  The one who teaches Physic is Ms.Caroline. She’s funny! xP She came in our class and then started teaching. As she was writing something on the board, a guy just busted into our class. So suddenly you know! Guess who busted in without knocking the door??.. The PDO MASTER!. Show no respect at all! He came in just to give us some announcement . “Okay listen up guys! Today afternoon class is cancel!” we all wanted to scream but he just cut it off. “ehh don’t scream first…your class will be ceased until the 3rd of may cause there’s so many ppl infected by the HFMD..” he continues. After that, he just leave. Everyone scream ‘YAY’ in joyful manner! 


The bell rang for sign that we could have our 5 minutes recess. Lol 5 minutes only…just to go to the toilet and doing some business there. Me and Yuri were talking about something funny! I totally forgot what we talked about but I’m sure it’s funny! Lol …Ray keep passing by..idk what’s got in to him. As he walk back to my direction, I laugh uncontrollably.. I just laugh because I remembered something funny. >.<

“what so funny?” Ray asked

“Oh nothing , hahhahahaahahaha xD” I replied

“Are you guys spinning and (something ..i didn’t catch up with the words cause I was still laughing)” he asked

That makes me and Yuri laugh louder!

I cover up my mouth cause I want to stop laughing. He then took out his fan and then he wave it infront of my face. I startled for a moment. I twitched my left eyebrows wondering of what the hell did he just did?

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