Chapter Four: Ages

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POV of Ben

Sam dropped me off at my house and winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Danny's car was in the driveway and he was staying with me for the week. I think. I sighed and watched Sam drive away. Then I walked into my house. 

I could hear the TV on as Danny laughed along with the comedy that was on the Television Set. I smiled and sat next to him. 

"How was therapy?" Danny asked, cocking his head to look at me. I grinned and lifted my legs onto the coffee table 

"Not as bad as I thought. Sam was right. The Shrink's a good guy." I watched as Danny's eyes left the screen to look at me. 

"You sound different, Benji." He said, tapping his chin slightly "What's that all about?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked, staring at my phone. I was planning on calling Jordyn tomorrow. Let her go to sleep and I'd call her tomorrow. I could call her tonight, but she probably had work or something like that tomorrow. She'd want to sleep. "I don't know what you're taking about." 

"DENIAL!" Danny cried, tackling me, and shoving his knee into my throat. I started coughing and flailing wildly. 

"Danny! Stop it!" I choked out. 

"Tell me what I want to know!" Danny joked, pounding lightly on my chest. "What's her name?" 

"Dan-ny!" I shouted, trying to shove him off me. "Danny! Stop it, you fucking asshole!" 

"TELL ME!" He wailed slapping my face softly. 

"Her name is Jordyn!" I sighed in defeat. Danny rolled off me and watched me sit up, a grin on his face. 

"Is she hot?" he wriggled his eyebrows at me. I socked him in the arm. 

"Yeah. She's a fucking beauty." I told him, my stomach fluttering a little bit. She was gorgeous. 

"How old is she?" Danny asked, his attention now turned to the late night flick. 

"She's-" I paused. How old was Jordyn? Shit. How old was Jordyn. She looked young...fuck...was she underaged? Dammit...why did this have to happen? I sank my teeth into my lip and looked at Danny. Danny's lips were pursed. 

"You don't know how old she is?" 

I shook my head. Danny chuckled. "Sam knows her, right?" 

"Good idea!" I said whipping out my phone to call Sam. It ran a few times and then Sam answered. 


"Sam, this is really important." I said softly. "Do you know how old Jordyn is?" 

Sam was silent for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, who?" 

I sighed impatiently. "Jordyn. You know, the shrink's daughter?" 

"OH!" Sam said happily. "Oh, no, I don't know. Wish I did though. Wait, didn't you ask her out?" 

I groaned. "Yeah. That's why I need to know how old she is." Sam laughed and so did Danny. I sent Danny a glare and he shut up immediately. "Are you sure you don't know her age?" 

"She's still in high school." Sam replied, sounding bored. "You should have asked her before you asked her out." 

"I didn't think she was that young!" I wailed, falling back on the couch. Danny looked curiously at me. I rolled my eyes as Sam laughed again. 

"Good luck with that one, buddy. I have to go, me when you figure that one out." 

"Yep." I hung up on him and buried my face in my hands. "Daaaannnyyy!" I groaned. 

"What's wrong?" Danny asked, coming to sit next to me. 

"She's in high school." I muttered, looking at my hands. Danny let out a harsh bark of laughter. 

"Are you serious?" 

I sent him another glare. He quieted. "Well, maybe she's a senior...eighteen. C'mon. it can't be that bad. Right?" 

I sighed. "I hope you're right." I glanced down at my phone again and hit the call button on The Shrink's Daughter. "She's something special, Danny. I can feel it." 

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