Chapter Six: I'm Okay

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POV from Ben

She was taking a shower and I could hear her sobbing while she was in there. I clenched my hands into fists and sat back on the couch. Danny walked into the room and cocked his head slightly. 

"Who's that cryin'? I thought it was you, but..." he was trying to be funny. I rolled my eyes. 

"It's Jordyn. That girl I was talking about earlier. Something happened at school." 

"What happened?" Danny asked, now serious. I sighed and rubbed at my neck. 

"I don't know. I went a little early than the time I was supposed to pick her up, and I saw this creep touching her." I shook my head and rested my chin on my hands. "I asked her if he had touched her and she lied. She said no." I bit at my lip and sighed, staring at the floor. I felt Danny put his arm on me. 

"Cheer up, mate. At least she's alright." Danny was trying to be optimistic. I sighed. 

"She's not alright, though. She's crying in there. Do you hear her?" Danny and I fell silent and we listened as the water was turned off and there were sniffles. Loud sniffles. Like someone had just finished crying and they were trying to be quiet about it. Danny looked at me, sympathetically. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, bright colors in my peripheral vision from my tattoos. 

"B-Ben?" asked her soft voice. My heart almost broke. She sounded so lost and frightened. 

"Yeah?" I called, sitting up slightly. 

"Can I...uhm...borrow some clothes?" She sounded desperate. I nodded and stood up. 

"Let me grab some." 


I walked into my room and saw her sitting on my bed in a towel, her eyes pooling with tears. I chewed on my thumb nail and went into the bureau. My fingers came into contact with some soft material. I pulled out some black sweats and a shirt. It was my Pink Floyd shirt. I smiled, remembering last night when Jordyn and I played the song together, my smile fading quickly. 

She was staring at her wrists and thighs. They had marks on them. Angry red marks. Marks from hurting herself. Marks of depression. Cuts. Burns. Bruising. 


She snapped up and covered her body. "Thanks for the clothes." She said through pursed lips. I blinked, not knowing what to say, so I handed her the clothing in my hands and walked out of the room in a daze. Holy shit. Jordyn hurt herself? Fuck! What was I supposed to do now?

I dragged myself to the kitchen and pulled out a beer.

"Can I have one, Benji?" Danny asked. I nodded and pulled one out for him. He smiled graciously at me and took the beer, cracking it open. I heard my door creak open and I glanced up. She was dressed in my clothes and had my sweatshirt loosely on her shoulders. She was sniffling, her eyes red. I frowned and pulled her close to me. She started crying on me, her hands clutching at my shirt, her legs curling up so she was completely in my lap. I held her and rocked her back and forth. 

Danny sipped his beer and rubbed at his thin beard, obviously awkward. I kissed Jordyn's forehead and sighed deeply. 

"C-Can I call someone?" She asked, barely audible. I nodded and pulled out my phone for her. She took it shakily and dialed a number. I sat back and felt her curl up on my chest. "Alyx? It's me. Jordyn. I need you. Axl too. Please...I need your help." She blinked at me. "Where are we, Ben?" 

I gave her my address who she repeated to Alyx. Who was this guy? Were they related to her? Friends? Cousins? Brothers? Boyfriends? I shook the thought away. Jordyn didn't strike me as the person who would cheat on someone. Danny looked wearily at me. 

You gave strangers your address? He mouthed to me. 

So what? I mouthed back. Danny snorted and shook his head. 

I felt Jordyn shift a little and she nestled into me. She dropped the phone on the couch next to us and gave me a weak smile. 

"Thanks, Ben." she murmured. I hugged her tightly, rocking her again. 

"Any time, Jordyn." 

There was a knock a few minutes later and Danny got up to open it, his eyes avoiding me. I sighed deeply and kissed her cheek. 

"She's over here." said Danny's voice. I heard footsteps and heard voices approaching. 

Suddenly, there they stood. Two tall men, identical down to the freckle on their thumb. I blinked as Jordyn shifted off of my lap and hugged one of them around the waist. 

"Alyx." She whispered, crying again. I bit my lip and stood up. The guy...Alyx, hugged her back. 

"Jordyn, why are you crying?" He whispered, his head resting on top of hers. 

"Little Jordyn, we don't like seeing you cry." Said the other guy. Axl, I assumed from the phone conversation. 

"When you guys left, Tom grabbed me...and..." She broke off again and buried her head into Alyx's chest. Axl looked up at me and suddenly realization hit him. Dammit. He knew who I was. Now he knows my address...I mentally smacked myself. This was about Jordyn. Who cares if a fan has my address...and now my number. This was about Jordyn! 

"Ben." I said, holding out a hand to Axl. Axl grasped it and smiled 

"Axl. That's Alyx, my twin. What happened to Jordyn?" He was more concerned about Jordyn which made me feel a whole lot better. 

"I don't know. I only know bits and pieces." I said, my eyes on Jordyn's shaking figure. Alyx broke off the hug and Axl took over. 

"Jordyn, do you want to tell us what happened?" Alyx asked carefully rubbing her back while his brother hugged Jordyn. 

"I-I don't know..." She sighed. 

"Please?" I asked softly. Her eyes connected with mine and she broke away from Axl. 

"Okay." she sighed, sitting on the couch. "You might want to sit." 

We all sat and she opened her mouth, beginning to tell us what happened. 

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