Chapter Eight: Jealousy

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POV from Ben

Cam and James walked into my house without knocking. Leave it to them. 

"Who's that parked out there?" Cam complained, scratching at his eyebrow with his keys. I gestured to the twins who were eating pizza.

"Cam, James, this is Axl and Alyx. They're friends of Jordyn." I said, nodding to the two. James smiled easily. 

"Hello! Erm...Axl?" 

One of the boys laughed. "No, I'm Alyx. I'm the one with the lip ring on the left. Axl is the right side. He completes me." He joked. 

James shook his head and laughed. "Great. Nice to meet you, Alyx. I'm James." 

Alyx smiled and shook his hand. Axl stood to do the same. 

"I'm Cam." said my tall raven haired friend. "Nice to meet you both." 

"Ditto." Alyx said, brushing hair from his face. I chuckled at his language and my two band mates smirked at each other. I rolled my eyes. 

"And this is Jordyn. She's a special friend of mine." I said, emphasizing the word special to let them know (Especially James) to not his on her. I suddenly remembered Jordyn telling me that she had a gigantic crush on James and his 'drooms' and I instantly regretted having the two over while Jordyn was here. 

"Nice to meet you." Jordyn held out a hand and shook them casually. I possessively put my arm around her and held her close. Cam grinned at me. 

"Can I get a beer, Ben?" 

"In the fridge, help yourself." I replied, my eye on James. James raised his eyebrows at me. I guess I was staring at him a little more intensely at him than I thought. I blushed and looked away quickly. James snickered. 

"I'll get a beer too." 


Jordyn drew away a little bit and grinned toothily at me. "Oh my God. Seriously?" She crossed her arms over her chest, a small smirk playing on her pink lips. I bit at my lip rings and forced a smile. 

"Wha'?" I muttered, my hands shoving into my pockets. 

"You're jealous, aren't you?" She sounded entertained. I could hear the snickers of others around me, but I pursed my lips. 

"I'm not jealous." I lied quite horribly. Jordyn giggled and walked closer to me. She placed her hands on my chest and slowly trailed them down my arms. I shivered and gave her a weak smile. 

"Yes you are." 

"No, I'm not." I struggled to come up with an excuse. "I'm just...worried. They're guys and I've known them forever, and I know how they are with girls..." 

"Ben, it's okay to be jealous." She laughed, swinging her hair out of her eyes. She wrapped her arms around my torso and joined her hands behind me. I cautiously put my arms around her and rested my head on hers. She could hear my heartbeat speed up a little and honestly, I was a little embarrassed. "I think it's kinda sweet." 

"You won't think it's sweet when he goes apeshit because of his jealousy." Cam said walking into the room. I shot him daggers with my eyes, but he merely winked at me. He was going to pay for that later. 

"We have to go, Jordyn." Alyx said sadly, standing. I sighed frowned slightly. She laughed. 

"I'll call you, Ben." 

"Okay..." I mumbled. 

I hugged her goodbye and waved to Alyx and Axl, then sat next to Danny and grabbed a slice of pizza. Danny raised an eyebrow at me and winked casually. 

"'ello!" he said happily, turning on a movie. I took a bite and felt the grease fill my mouth. I gave a small grunt of satisfaction making me sound like a pig. I gave him a half smile and shrank a little in my seat. 

"Hi, Danny." 

Danny looked up from the TV and his eyes travelled to his phone. Cam and James sat too, their smiles telling me that they had a secret that they wanted to share so badly with me, but their minds told them not to. 

"What?" I snapped at them. James held up his hands and grinned. 

"Nothing! I just...I didn't know that you liked her so much." he admitted. I rolled my eyes. 

"I told you she was special to me, din't I?" I shook my head and pulled out a box of cigarettes which was hiding in the couch. I offered the others one, but they refused, except for Danny. Danny takes advantage of free cigarettes. I lit up and watched as Danny struggled to pick a movie while holding his cigarette. I chuckled and sat back in the seat. Cam smiled at me and winked. 

"You think she's the one, mate?" He questioned, his eyebrows wriggling. 

"I don't know." I sighed. Yes whispered the voice in my head. "I mean, I think so. She's good." 

"I like her." Danny decided. 

"Same." James agreed. "I mean, I don't know her that well, but she's kinda hot." 

I glared at him and he held up his hands. 

"Like, a sister. Like how brothers can say: You look hot! Sis..." 

He broke off in a fit of giggles and I rolled my eyes. I just hoped she still didn't have a crush on James. I'd have to keep her away from him.  

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