Chapter Ten: Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater

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POV from Ben

"TAKE A SHOT!" Roared James, grabbing the bottle of Smirnoff. I chuckled and poured some into the shot glass. We watched as Peter Griffin started singing and dancing. Meg joined in but was soon yelled at by the whole family. "AND ANOTHER!" 

"Shut the fuck up, James!" laughed Cam, throwing his shot back. James laughed and took another shot. I felt the slight burn in my throat as I took another shot. Family Guy Drinking Games were the best.

Danny grabbed my arm and started shaking it slightly. "Bennnnn! Bennnnnnnnnn!" he groaned. I turned my head slightly and laughed at my drunk friend. 

"What is it, Danny?" I asked, cocking my head. 

"I love you!" Danny giggled. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 

"I love you too, Danny." 

Danny squealed loudly and kissed me on the cheek. He stood up and ran around a few times before plopping at my feet. I snickered and jumped a little as my phone buzzed a little bit. 

I gasped loudly and grabbed at my phone and answered it. 

"Hello?" I slurred. 

"Ben! It's me!" screeched a voice. I rubbed at my head and scratched at my nose. 

"Who is this?" 

"Don't you remember me, Benny?" laughed the voice. "Let me in!"

"What?" I laughed, looking away from the TV. "You're here?" 

"I'm outside." She hung up. I wracked my drunken brain for the answer to who this woman was. I shuffled to the door and opened it. Instantly I was attacked by lips. They pressed to mine. 

My mind was gone and the only thing I could think about was there was a woman kissing my lips. I was too drunk to care. I wanted whoever this was. She must know me from somewhere. I backed into my room, lips still on mine. 

The girl's teeth dragged on my lips and I moaned a little bit. I slammed the door shut and she began to undress. I yanked my shirt off and kissed her again as she worked on my belt. I groaned and fell back on my bed.

Her lips worked on my neck and down to my chest. I closed my eyes and smiled. I felt on top of the world. 

I woke with a throbbing headache. I heard a groan next to me and I sighed loudly. Then I sat up quickly. 

"Fuck! Who are you?" I shouted and stared at the girl laying next to me. The blond headed girl turned and smiled at me.

"Hey, Benny." 

I blinked. "Alicia?" 

She laughed. "You seem so surprised, baby." She giggled and rolled out of bed. She put on my discarded shirt and smiled at me, shoving on her slutty thong. "Last night was so hot, baby. You still have it in you." 

I blankly stared at her. "Get the fuck out!" I snapped, pointing a finger at the door. She smiled smugly at me. 

"Why, Benny? I thought you loved me." she winked. "You said so last night." 

I felt the pit in my stomach get bigger. "No, Alicia. I don't love you. I don't. I love someone else. I don't love you. I love Jordyn!" Suddenly I sat up. "Fuck! Jordyn!" 

"When you get tired of your slut, give me a call." Alicia said, smugly. I snarled at her. 

"Get the fuck out, cunt!" 

She left, waving to me. I buried my head in my hands. I heard someone at my door. 

"Ben?" asked a soft voice. I looked up and saw Cam standing there. "Ben, what was Alicia doing here?" 

I felt tears well in my eyes and I looked up at Cam, my lip trembling. "Cam...what did I do last night?" 

Cam frowned and realization hit him. "You fucked up, Ben. You fucked up bad." 

"I know." I murmured. I heard another set of footsteps coming towards me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Danny standing there in the door way. He walked up to me and without a warning, slammed his fist into my face. I flinched back and gave a shout. "Fuck! What the fuck was that for, Danny?" I shouted, covering my face with my hand. 

"What the hell were you thinking last night?" growled Danny, who was being held back by Cam. 

I whimpered. "I don't know! I wasn't thinking!" 

"Jordyn loves you, mate! What the fuck are you thinking about Alicia?" 

"I'm not! I don't want Alicia! I want Jordyn!" I screamed, pushing Danny in the chest. Danny retaliated and slammed his fist into my gut. I groaned loudly fell back onto the floor, moaning. Danny kicked at me, but I rolled away from him and backed into the bathroom. I stood and locked the door and pressed my back to it. Then, without thinking, I opened my drawer. It held blades. My blades from the past. I grabbed one and held it up, it glinted in the small bathroom light. 

I put the metal to my skin. 

"Fuck, Ben! Get the fuck out of that room!" Danny sounded desperate now, as if all of his anger disappeared. I gritted my teeth about to slice into my skin. "Ben, get out or I'm calling Jordyn." I dropped the blade and opened the door. Danny grabbed me around the waist and pinned me to the ground, Cameron sat on my feet. 

"Get off!" I snapped, but Danny sat on my chest. I grunted and felt Danny pin my arms out and he looked at my arms, inspecting them. 

"Check his legs." Danny directed. I just gave up as I felt Cam's thin fingers drag up and down my legs. I groaned and just laid there, waiting for them to be done inspecting me. "I'm sorry, Ben." Danny whispered as he rolled off of me. I just laid on my back, my eyes pooling with tears. "You're going to have to tell Jordyn. Tell her or I will. She doesn't deserve this." 

I turned my head at Danny and sighed sadly. "She doesn't deserve me." 

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