Chapter 9: Driving the First Daughter

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"C'mon please Uncle Kent!" I begged my Uncle, following him around the house. "No Calum, I am not lending you my car so you can teach Scarlett to drive." He said firmly. I shot him a pleading look, and finally he sighed, "You're not gonna give up on this are you?" He asked and I shook my head, getting excited. 

"Fine, you can use my car, if Scarlett's parents agree to letting her drive and go out." He said and my grin stretched and I pulled him into a bear hug. 

The next day was Friday and I was hoping Uncle Kent say we had the all clear to go driving tomorrow. I skipped downstairs and was whistling, pouring myself a cup of juice and throwing some toast in the toaster. 

Kent came down a few minutes later, dressed in his usual suit and tie. "So I have some good news," He started and I whipped around to face him. "And?" I pressed. "Tomorrow, the three of us can go out on the private course and go driving." He finished with a smiled. "Yes!" I cheered, 'I have to text Scar." I said eagerly, my mind already running with how the day would go. 


The next morning I woke up bright and early, eager to start the day. The weather was on our side today, the sky was clear and bright blue, and the weather was warm. 

We were using Uncle Kent's car and headed to the private course as Scarlett's dad loves cars and had his own driving course. 

When we got there, Uncle Kent parked the car. "Okay, I'm going to talk for a minute and I need you two to listen." Uncle Kent started. "So Scarlett your parents trust you, and Calum I trust you. I know you two want to have fun and some alone time so Scarlett's parents and I are taking a risk. I'm going to sit in the stands and the other guards in the tower are going to watch from away, and you two can drive in here, alone." He finished.

Scarlett and I looked at each other, stunned. "Really?" She piped up. Uncle Kent nodded, "Thanks Uncle Kent, really." I told him sincerely. He smiled and headed out of the car, leaving the two of us. 

I looked at her, "Okay, let's do this." I said to her. We got out of the backseat and she slid into the driver's seat. "First things first, let's adjust your seat." I said, showing her how to fix everything. 

Next I slid in the passenger seat and buckled up. "So put the keys in and turn the car on." I instructed her. She followed and the car purred on, "Okay now, put your foot on the brake pedal and move the clutch to drive." I said, and Scarlett followed it exactly. 

"Now slowly take your foot off the brake and let it cruise for a second." I said and the car slowly rolled forward. Scarlett immediately slammed on the brakes, causing a lurching. Her cheeks tinged pink, "Sorry." She apologized. "It's fine, almost everyone does it, a few times actually, when they're learning." I reassured her. 

She took her foot off the brake again and the car started going again. Scarlett cruised for a couple of feet when I told her to put some slight pressure on the gas. We zoomed forward as she pressed on the gas a little too hard. "She then braked again, causing more jerking around. "This is kind of hard." She admitted, turning to me. I tucked a piece of hair that had fallen from her bun behind her ear, "Hey it's okay, everyone has a hard time at first. And we have all day." I told her, leaning in closer, 'In fact maybe you want to take a break?" I suggest, lazily throwing my arm around her shoulder, and she tilted her head up to me to kiss me deeply on the lips. 

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