Chapter 13: Truth

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In two minutes, everything came crashing down. The look on Scarlett's face said it all. She was scared of me, she was done with me. How could she still want to be with me after those assholes revealed all that. On top of that, even with the chance she still wants me, what will her parents say? 

I sighed, the best thing right now to give her space so she could think everything through. 

Of course I couldn't give her space because Uncle Kent couldn't give me a ride home so I had to spend the afternoon in the White House while his shift was still going. 

I shuffled behind and took a spot in the study, working on some of the homework for my new classes. I was glad that I was convinced to advance because on day one I was already more interested in these classes than I had ever before. 

A while later, I heard steps approaching, and I just assumed it was Uncle Kent. That is until I caught a sweet smell, Scarlett's perfume. I looked up at her, she was just standing by the doorway, looking uncertain. "Hey." I said awkwardly, starting to stand up. She held up her hand to stop me, so I sunk back down in my seat. "I'm sorry for earlier,' She said, slowly walking over to me. "You don't ha-' I started, 'No I do Calum. I needed to think for a while and I'm sorry for being weird. I don't want to judge you or your past, because I didn't know you then. But I know you now and I like you, I don't want to end this." Scarlett said seriously. 

She sat down beside me, "So tell me about this old you." She said, smoothing a part of my hair. I was caught off guard, "What?" I asked, a little nervous. "I want to know all parts of you Cal, I want to know your past, not what Chucky and Dug say." She nudged me. I sighed, "You really want to know?" I asked her, and she nodded eagerly. 


I sat with Calum and listened as he told me about his life at his home. "His name was Larry, the kid I fought with, the boy I gave a concussion." He started, and I took a deep breath. "He bullied me, daily and it sucked. I came home day after day either in tears, cuts, scrapes, bloody noses or lips, and black eyes. Finally I became determined to learn how to defend myself, but I never meant to fight or hurt anyone. Until one day, I just snapped, I shoved him on the floor and I pushed him onto the floor, and I punched him and was ready to walk away, when he said something. As he dusted himself off he yelled out, 'It took you this long to stand up to me, but you still ended up fleeing .' He said threateningly. I whipped around and smashed his head into the lockers behind us until he went unconscious." He told me, refusing to look me in the eyes. 

That was a lot to swallow, I was having a hard time picturing Calum, this boy in front of me, doing something like that. "Now I will totally understand if you don't want to know me anymore, I'm a monster." He said. I cupped his chin, forcing him to look up at me. "You are not a monster. You were a hurt boy who got tired of being mistreated and stood up for himself. Yes maybe you went a bit overboard, and I am against violence, but you are by no means a monster. I really like you Cal, and I just want to get to know you better." I told him, and he gave me a shy smile, "I don't scare you?" He asked nervously. "No." I shook my head with a soft smiled. 

I grabbed his hand and stood up, "Okay come on, let's watch a movie in my room." I said, leading him out of the study. 


The next morning I woke up to find a text from Calum. "Calum: Hey Scar you're probably sleeping, but this couldn't wait. I wanted to say thank you for listening to me yesterday and making me feel a bit better about my past. Ever since that incident I've wanted a fresh start, and with you on my side, I think it's finally possible.' I smiled at his words and quickly sent him a nice reply. 

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