The necklace

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(Luna's dream)
I sit up slowly, carefully. I'm still on the cliff, but there's must covering the ground and the moon is huge.
I shift. It feels kind of uncomfortable. some werewolves like to live among humans, have a normal life. And they rarely shift. I'm just the opposite, I love the freedom and power of the wolf. I love to hunt and to be honest, having razor sharp teeth and claws, pretty cool.
"Come on out!" I yell impatiently.
"You need to learn patience child."
I whip around and face the beautiful goddess.
"I don't have time to be patient! My best friend has be enslaved by vampires! And now that I think about it that is a really weird thing to say."
"Lots of werewolves have been taken by the vampires, and a lot of them had friends too. You need to calm down and think."
"If you dare say that I leave her there I will-"
She holds up a hand.
"I don't think you should leave her, and I know your distressed but it would do you well not to disrespect a goddess."
I bow my head.
"I'm sorry goddess I'm just really worried."
She gives me a sympathetic glance.
"I can give you a way to save them all but you need to listen to me." She holds out her hand and a silver necklace appears in her palm. A pendent hangs from the necklace, and it matches the mark on my forehead. She clips it onto my neck.
"The charm on this necklace will disguise you as a wolf of any color, all you have to do is touch the wolf you want to be disguised as and you will become an identical, even in size, your mark will be hidden, and the necklace will become invisible. However, even though the necklace is invisible it is still there, and if it gets pulled off, or falls off, you will become yourself again. Your mark will heal the wolves who are being controlled, but you will have to get close enough to touch them. Beware of traps, for there are many, and don't run, for there are many vampires there. Be careful, my daughter."
"Thank you goddess."
She starts to fade.
"One more thing Luna."
"Yes goddess?"
"The Firestone pack is not gone, in fact I have a feeling they are behind this whole thing. Keep your eyes out, I believe in you."
She disappears and I wake with a start. My hand reaches up and curls around the goddesses necklace.
Six yeses reach me trough the pack link.
I found a way to save Madison, but I need your help. Meet me here. I show them where I am. They respond by sending me their locations, and how long it will take them to get there. I sigh. I've got some explaining to do.
The story is almost over! :3 don't worry though I will write a second book on here, it's just I don't want my book to be 80 chapters long! So if you like it, read the second one. If you don't... Why you here? For all you cool people... PEACE!

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