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(Madison POV)
My paws hit the ground with a steady
Thump-thump Thump-thump.
Daniel is trailing behind, he's not in shape. He's a shape just not in shape. I should fix that. I slam my paws down hard and fly through the brush. My paws barley touching the ground. I slam to a stop as a familiar scent hits my nose, deer. I creep closer and look over the ledge of the small hill. A herd. And better yet, a doe with a broken leg was lagging behind. I looked over my shoulder at Daniel who was just as excited. I get ready to attack, my paws aching with anticipation. In a split second the direction of the breeze changes, and I smell him. Another wolf. He runs out and jumps, landing right behind the deer and biting it's leg. 5 minutes later the deer is dead and I'm getting angrier by the second. I can't mind link Luna, she's blocking me. When he starts eating my self control flys away. I make sure to wave it goodbye as I run up to the wolf and growl.

Your on our territory.

He just grins at me.

This is ours.

He starts laughing.

I growl and bite his tail, he jumps and runs forward a few steps, I do this until he starts walking.

Where are you taking me? He asks. Not even annoyed!

To my alpha.

He laughs again.

This is gonna be a loooong trip.

So what's your name?


Well Lucas, my alphas name is Luna. And she really doesn't like trespassers.

She wouldn't happen to be white with green eyes would she?

How did you know that?

Lucas turns around to face me.
I was afraid of that. Looks like I'm gonna have to cut this little adventure short princess.


He lunges towards me and I prepare for a fight.

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