Chapter Three.

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My alarm goes off early in the morning I let out a small groan and reach over to turn it off, I rub my eyes tiredly and look over and Summer and Emiliana who are still sleeping. I roll out of bed heading to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I finally settle with white jeans with rips going down the legs , a black crop top paired with all black retro Jordan's.

I do my normal morning routine and I decide to leave my hair down for the day. I walk out of the bathroom and see Emiliana has waken up.

"Morning" I say walking back to my bed and sitting down

"Bullshit" She mumbles and drags herself into the bathroom.

"What time is it?" Summer mumbles

"Um.. seven why?"

"Yes I don't need to wake up for like another hour" She laughs quickly falling back to sleep

I go onto my laptop for a bit until it's time for me to leave for classes, after about fifteen minutes I look to see it's time to go. I grab the things I need for all my classes and just as I'm about to head out Emiliana hurries out of the bathroom.

"Wait! Let's walk together!" She says quickly grabbing everything she needs and following me out.

"What class do you have first?" I ask

"Um art history or whatever you?"

"Literature" I shrug

"Oh how many classes do you have?"

"Only four literature, photography, art, and then yoga"

"One why are you taking art and two what the fuck why yoga?" She asks in confusion

"Art to have more citing on what art is and yoga is relaxing so why not?"

"You sound like some hippie"

"Okay so what are your classes you oh so amazing bitch"

"Art history, then my actual art class, then social foundations and cultural foundations"

"Oh you took the core classes first?"

"Yeah so what?"

"You're going to have hella homework that's all" I shrug, we finally to my class and I wave bye to Emili and walk into my class.

I take a seat somewhat in the back and wait for the class to fill up, I look over as this girl sits beside me and she smiles at me.


"Hey..?" I say trying not to sound confused but I fail.

"I'm Melanie, and you?"

"I'm Kalani"

"It's nice to meet you! Oh my gosh you're so pretty! and you're hair so curly!" She says

"Yeah.. thanks"

Skipping to the end of the day, I finally finish yoga and start to head back to my dorm when I see Summer.. kissing some other guy.

My blood begins to boil and I storm over to her grabbing her by her arm.

"Ow! What the fuck!" She snaps her expression quickly changes to shocked and she stares at me.

"Explain your fucking self what are you doing kissing this dumb ass?!?" I say angrily

"Bitch-" The guy starts

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that?" I scoff and stare at the guy, he curses under his breath and walks away leaving Summer and I.

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