Chapter 11 - Fall Break Vacation part 3 (edited)

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Young Ji POV
The past 5 days have been a roller coaster. The girls made a packed schedule. We went to the beach, amusement parks, aquarium, zoo, and almost everything else. The only place we haven't went to is the mall.
Flashback to Yesterday
We went to the amusement park. We walked around and we rode small rides. Ye Jin unnie and I didn't go on the roller coaster because we were afraid. We barely managed to get on the Viking.
After the Viking ride, the unnies decides to play a prank on the maknae and I. They ran away. It wasn't really a big prank or prank at all, but it was a good way to put us both in a state of panic. We ran to find them. We ran and suddenly, we heard giggly. We found them. Eun Hye ran to them while I took my time.
"Young Ji?" I heard a voice call out?
I turn around. I could not believe my fate. I saw Chanyeol, D.O, Kai, and Sehun.
"Ah, annyeonghaseyo. Did you come to hang out too?"
"Um, yes. I see you did too. Are you here by yourself?" D.O asked.
  "Ani. My friends are here too." I reply. At that moment, my friends joined in.
  "Oh, hi." Seul Bi unnie said.
  "Hi oppa!" Eun Hye exclaimed.
  "Hello." Ye Jin unnie said quietly. Hana unnie just stared.
  "Anyways, are you guys doing anything tomorrow?" asked Kai.
The boys eyes him weirdly but he ignored them.
  "Ani. We are still thinking. We did a lot of stuff already," Hana unnie speak up.
  "Do you want to hang out with us? I mean we will just hang out at the mall," Kai invited us.
  "S-s-sure," I said (why did I stutter) "but we don't want to bother you. Don't you think that will be bothersome? 5 girls hanging out with EXO? That won't be good." I pointed out.
  "It will be fine. We can give you masks or something. We can figure it out," Kai urged
  "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Chanyeol POV
"Why did you do that Kai?" Suho hyung ask after he heard the absurd thing the young one did.
  "I don't know hyung. I feel like there is something there. Besides it's only 5 extra people. We will be fine. We should be friendly to our classmates, right hyung?" Kai reply.
  "I will let this pass once since the girls already know but not next time Kai." Suho giving in.

Back to the Present (Young Ji POV)
  "Hurry Young Ji," Seul Bi said, "the girls are rushing you."
I put on something simple and put on my brown boots. I look at my friends. We are wearing similar outfits but with our own style.
We head to the mall that EXO told us. We decided to meet there so there won't be any difficulties getting to the mall.
"Hey Young Ji!" Baekhyun said and put his arm over my shoulders...again.
"Hi Baekhyun-shi," I greeted. I heard a few snickers among the EXO members.
"Call me 'oppa'," Baekhyun pouted.
I panicked. I never called anyone 'oppa' before. I look at my friends for help but they gave me a sympathetic look. I knew I couldn't do anything to change his mind.
"Hyung, stop making her," Kai tries to help.
"Stay out of this Kai. I am trying to make her more comfortable with us. All her friends call us 'oppa', why not her?"
"Um I haven't called any of you guys 'oppa' yet," Seul Bi unnie argues back.
"Well you will eventually call us 'oppa'. You don't have a thing like Young Ji here," Baekhyun bickered back.
"How do you know that?" Seul Bi unnie challenged him.
I was relief because Baekhyun forgot about the 'oppa' situation with me while he was bickering with Seul Bi unnie. We split into groups to make things easier and not catch more attention than they need. We split into 4 groups with 2 group having 3 people and 2 group having 4 people. One group includes Chen, Ye Jin unnie, and D.O. The second group includes Lay, Hana unnie, and Chanyeol. The third group includes Eun Hye, Seul Bi unnie, Baekhyun, and Sehun. Which means my group includes Suho, Kai, and Xiumin. Seul Bi was upset about being in the same group as Baekhyun, but she was glad Eun Hye was with her.
"Okay, we will meet at the food court. Let's see, right now it's 12:30... let's meet up at 3?" Suho said.
"Arraso!" everyone replied.
I see Chen and D.O dragging a blushing Ye Jin unnie; Hana is in between Lay and Chanyeol walking away in what seems to be a serious conversation. But when did Hana unnie became that serious? Sehun and Eun Hye was walking super fast and talking to each other happily while Baekhyun was trailing behind with Seul Bi unnie. I could sense an awkward vibe. I turn attention to my group.
  "Where should we go?" I ask
  "Let's do to random stores," Ximin suggest, then look at me, "or we can go to stores that you want."
  "Ani, we can go wherever you guys want. I don't know much about fashion since my friends buy me stuff while I accompany them," I said. Why am I talking so much?
All of a sudden all three of them sigh in relief. I was so confused. "Why? What? Did I say something wrong?"
  "It's nothing like that. You see, we were afraid that you would be one of those girls in movies that take forever in stores and we would be super bored," Kai explained.
I don't know why but I started to laugh. Like crazy. I stopped and I saw six eyeballs staring at me, shocked almost.
  "Ah.. mian. I don't know why I laughed. I guess because of how you thought of me," I look at them and clapped my hands once. They all look startled and I kept my laughing inside.
  "Let's go. I sense a great day today," as I start walking ahead. It seemed like forever before they realized I already started walking.
  "Wait for us!" Suho yell toward me. Today will be a great day.

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