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Percy's POV
"Percy, the gods have called a pond you" my girlfriend Annabeth said. It's been two mouths since the war and everything was calm , no monsters to be seen. "Okay Wise Girl" I replied, kissing Annabeth quickly "Bye" I vapour-traveled to the throne room where the Olympians looked  at me with hatred. I bowed and asked "Why have you call me here Olympians?" Zeus gave me a dirty look "YOU KNOW WHY YOU SPY!!" He thundered (a/n hehe thundered). I looked at with with confusion "I'm a what now?" I asked. Poseidon, my own father snarled "You betrayed us by working for Gaea" I put my hands up in defence. "Why would I work for someone I helped kill?" I asked. Poseidon looked at me and all a sudden I was in pain. I cried, falling to me knees. I felt like something was leaving me, something important. I stood up with shaky legs "What happened?" I asked. Zeus and Poseidon nodded but Hestia, Hera, Apollo and...Athena were beyond....angry. "Why did you disown him, he's the hero of Olympus for crying out loud!!" Hestia said angrily. "He's saved our butts and does all your dirty work and you reward him with banishment for no reason! I may not like demigods but Percy is the only one that respected me out of...everyone!" Hera yelled, I blushed as she said that. "Thank you" I muttered, still getting over the shock from the previous sentence. "I can't believe you done this, when the next war comes and you want Percy back, don't come running to him because he can't do anything now since he's fully mortal!!!!!" Apollo said seriously. Wait, I'm mortal now?!?! I look at the shocked Olympians and turned my back. "Once I would of loved to see Poseidon's son in pain but now since he saved many people with his courage and loyalty. He IS the most powerful demigod of our time and you chucked him out like an old toy. I can't believe you're my family" Athena finished. I turned my head and gave the Olympians and Hestia a smile. "Thank you but it's no use, those two Olympians made the decision and I'm fine with it. I can have a break and live the life I want to, complete my last year of high school, maybe make new friends. I'm glad that Poseidon disowned me because now, since Triton's moved, he doesn't have a heir to the throne of the seas" I said, walking out the room. "NO YOU DONT" Zeus yelled as I turned my head. I see his thunderbolt being thrown at before it hit me, someone shadow-traveled me out the throne room. Before I black out I hear a voice saying "I'm letting you send a message to camp as a good bye. Don't worry, Nico's  got you"

Annabeth's POV
Chiron called the seven and the counsellors to the big house, as I sit down I look at Chiron. He looks so sad, I look to see if Percy's here, my blood froze as I didn't see him. "Okay, now everyone's here this is very grave news" Chiron said, looking at me "Percy has been labeled by the Olympians as a killer and a spy for Gaea and has been sentenced to death" I fall out my chair in shock, no, my Percy isn't a killer nor a spy. "But Percy would never be a spy for someone who's that...earth bitch" Piper said, trying not to cry. I feel the water works falling  down  my face. We sat in silence, our two time hero is now most likely dead. Suddenly an iris message came up to a male boy with raven black hair. "Hello, is this working?" the male said in a familiar voice. "Percy" I whispered. He looked at me, his beautiful sea-green eyes are now emerald green. I gasp "What happened to your eyes?" I asked. His eyes widen before relaxing and shrugging. "Must be because Poseidon disowned me" he said causally. Chiron gasped "Why would he do that?" he asked. Percy just shook his head. "I don't know but now he's going to fade becuase he doesn't have a heir to the throne of the seas" Percy said.  "What about Triton?" Jason asked.
"He left Poseidon after the giant war for some time to  himself" Percy plainly answered. Something clicked in my head, if Poseidon disowned Percy that means... "You're not a demigod anymore, that means that...I cant be with you anymore" I cried, falling to my knees. Percy's face softened before replying "I'm sorry Annabeth, I really am but I'm completely a normal mortal now. Unless you want me killed it wouldn't really work since I can't handle a sword now"
"Have you-"
"Tried? yes, I have Leo, didn't work, see" Percy got riptide out swinging it before letting go of it. I heard a yep and someone mumbling about stupid swords. "Sorry Deathbreath! Ares cursed me" Percy exclaimed. Nico's there with him. Nico came on the iris message, shaking his head. "If you nearly chop my head off one more time, I'll send you to my father the hard way" Nico growled. Percy smirked. "I'm not Greek remember Neeks" Percy said, walking off. Nico shook his head and turned to talk to us. "You need to try and help Percy, a new war's coming and if Percy isn't here in flesh we'll die. Send a quest, Rachel would have the next great prophecy, good luck" Nico whispered, swiping the iris message and then it was gone.

Percy's POV
I sighed as Nico swiped the Iris message, Annabeth's face killed me as she realised I was mortal. I felt Nico hug me "It would be alright mate" he said. I let go of him and smiled, good thing he saved me otherwise I would be dead. "I know it would be okay, Nico I know it would be" I whispered as tears fell down my face. My stupid flaw, Athena was right again, my flaw is getting me killed. "Percy" a kind female voice said. I turn to see Apollo in his 21 year old form, Hestia in her 9 year old form, Hera in her usual 30 year old form and Athena in a...18 year old form?!? "Hello" I said "What are you doing here?" Athena glared at me with my tone and then sighed. "We don't want to have another war, it will kill us all" Athena said, her grey eyes sparkling in the light. I whence, why does she have to look like a brunette version of Annabeth? "And why would I care? I'm not apart of the Greek world anymore" I sneered coldly. Athena looked shocked at my coldness. "We want to give you gifts, young Percy. To help you blend in with the crowd and not make monsters follow you" it was not Athena but Hera who answered. I sighed and nodded. Apollo threw a golden ball at me, making me fall over. "My gift to you is that you can use bow and arrow properly. You can also use weapons agin since I cured the cruse that Ares gave you..." I was right?!? "...you also know the basics of medication so you can heal yourself and others" I bowed to Apollo who flashed away. Hestia touched my shoulder, making me feel warm. "You can now summon home cooked meals and can't be effected by fire" Hestia said. I hugged her and she flashed off. Athena came up next, throwing an item at me. I caught it to see glasses (A/N ones that are Peter's father's in the amazing Spiderman). "Think of the glasses as a sword" Athena willed. I did and my glasses became a shimmering, double-edged sword...like Anaklusmos. But the difference between the swords is that this new sword has one edge of celestial bronze and the other sliver edge. This sword is the same size which is easier for me to adjust to the new blade. I look on the bottom of the blade (closet to the handle), to see 'nerá tou perproménou'. "Destiny's waters" I muttered as I swung the sword to test it. I bowed to Athena "Thank you lady Athena for your gift" I said. Athena nodded her head "You're welcome young hero, before I go. I change it back, just think of it as glasses and it will change back" she said. She flashed away, to leave Hera and I alone. I looked at Hera with a smile. "Young Perseus, I admit I have been harsh to some demigods but that's because of my husband  cheating on me all the time. But you Perseus are different. Most demigods hate me but you have respect for me, which surprised me. I would like to give you the gift of...all the powers my demigod children would've got" Hera explained. I nodded and she threw a pure white ball at me. I felt it go into me,it was painless. I open my eyes to realise I felt taller. I look down to see I'm 6'5 than my 5'11. "That's not the only difference Perseus" Hera said "You can look into people's minds but block your own, you can change memories but only slightly, you can read auras and tell who's family or foe also you can change you appearance and voice" I smiled and bowed. Hera whacked me on the arm playfully. I smiled and Hera gave me a mirror. I gasp, I can't even recognise myself. I have brown, tamed and pulled back hair and my skin is shades lighter to a normal peachy colour. But my eyes and facial features I love. My facial features are going to make the girls running for me. I have soft lips, a small nose but my eyes are normal but they are captivating. My emerald green eyes are now chocolate brown (A/n technically Andrew Garfield). "You name will now be Peter Parker, adopted son of Sally Jackson and Paul. You will attend Midtown High School as a year 12 student" Hera boomed, before disappearing in a white light. I smiled, turning to Nico who was shocked. "What in my father's name was that about?" Nico asked, clearly shocked. I smiled, putting my glasses over my now cloudy vision
. "A new start for me Nico, the start of something new" I muttered. Nico gave my an encouraging smile and held my hand. "Do you want me to shadow-travel you to you mother's new house?" he asked. I nodded, seconds later I was covered by the shadows.
After what seems like forever we arrived at my mother's new house at Manhattan, New York. I knocked on the clear, see through door with the number 36 on it (A/n house in Amazing Spiderman, I'm not the best describer so just picture that). I saw my mum come to the door and open it. "Nico!!! and you brought a friend!! Come in" my mum said. I was about to ask why she forgot about me then I realised I looked different. We went through the small hallway to the kitchen where Paul was. "Hey Paul" Nico said, shaking his hand. I felt so awkward just standing here, my mum and step-dad not recognising me but I knew Nico would tell them. "Who's your friend?" Paul asked. Nico sighed. "As we sit down, I will tell you" he said. We followed my mum and step-dad to the dinner table and sat down. "Now I know this might sound weird but please listen...it's about your son..." Nico said.

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