The Usual Suspects:

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3 suspects sit in a room.

Liam enters, followed by a squinting Louis who is trying to see in the darkness.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Louis whines, bumping into the table.

"It's to keep the mystery." Liam drags Louis along until he sits him on a chair. Louis still can't see and he huffs, crossing his arms. There's clicking and clacking as Liam moves about. Finally the noise ceases and a blinding light is flashed in his face.

"Bloody hell." Louis cries, hands coming up to shield his face.

"Now let's get this started." Liam points the light away from Louis, directing it toward the first suspect. "First we have Niall Horan."

Niall Horan

Age: 17

Height: 5' 8"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relation to Louis: Friend

Reason he is questioning: He's Irish, they always have something up their sleeve.

The lights shifts, landing on the second suspect.

"Then there's Zayn Malik."

Zayn Malik

Age: 18

Height: 5' 9"

Sexuality: Who knows?

Relation to Louis: Friend

Reason he is in questioning: He's the mysterious type, probably has something to do with it.

Lastly, the light moves until it's centered on the third suspect.

"Last, but not least, we have Harry Styles."

Harry Styles

Age: 17

Height: 5' 11"

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relation to Louis: Best Friend

Reason he is in questioning: He's Harry, he's always suspicious of doing something.

"Liam." Louis sighs, rubbing his face in annoyance. "What the hell are you doing?" There's the sound of someone stumbling and then the lights are being turned on.

"I'm trying to help Lou." He says. He sounds like a kicked puppy, even looks like one with his innocent pout and big round eyes.

"I realize that, but is this all really necessary?" He turns to see each friend with a different look on their face: happy, serious, and anxious.

"Well no not really, but come on you have to admit, this is pretty cool." Louis does think it looks cool. It reminds him of those old crime shows where they have the light shining on the suspects during the interrogation.

But as cool as that is, this is not the 1950's. It's 2016 so they'll have to do this as civilly as possible.

"Let's keep the light on yeah." Louis suggests standing and making his way over to the table where all his friends are seated. Liam reluctantly makes his way back over to the bunch. He has his little hissy fit and then recollects himself to get on with the plan.

"Okay let's get this interrogation started."

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