Zayn's Testimony:

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Louis met Zayn a few years back in his English class. His teacher had moved his seat up because he was talking too much and he ended up sitting right next to Zayn. Zayn had been the quiet type from the start, barely acknowledging him even when they had to do partner activities.

It wasn't until the day they got partnered up for a presentation that they really started talking. Louis had gone over to his house thinking it was going to be a drag, but luckily for him, Zayn was actually really cool. They spent most of their time playing video games and even now when Louis needs to escape for a bit he goes to Zayn.

"Tell me Zayn, where were you today? You weren't with us at lunch." Liam starts, hands behind his back as he looks at Zayn inquisitively.

"I was in Mrs. B's room."

"And why were you in her room?" Liam presses. He slams his hands on the table leaning in and getting up close and personal with Zayn. "Were you finishing up the love letter for Louis? Were you trying to impress him with your extraordinary writing powers."

"You know I'm not really sure why he's here Liam-" But Liam doesn't let Louis finish.

"Tell us."

"I was working on an art project."

Zayn has Mrs. B's class before lunch. During the period, the class was supposed to be working on their semester final. He was working on his semester art piece when the bell rang. He wasn't even close to finishing.He's working on a painting to represent the statement, 'Love is love.'

The painting consists of dozens of people protesting to legalize same sex marriage. It's truly magnificent with brush strokes so detailed and shadows so out there. He thinks he's doing rather well with omitting the color until it hits the pride flag. It's a sight to see and Zayn hopes he gets an outstanding grade.

"So yeah I was working on my artwork, not a poem." Liam gives him a look, which Louis just has to roll his eyes too.

"Just cut the act. You know Zayn didn't do it."

"How can I possibly know that?" Liam counters.Louis shakes his head.

"He's your boyfriend Li, there's no way he did it." Liam once again let's a sorrowful look rest on his face.

"Yeah well we can't be sure." He mumbles, but it's clear as day that he's relieved.

"I think we can considering you two are sickenly cute most of the time. I'm surprised you didn't kiss him when you were all up in his space." Louis isn't any closer to figuring who wrote the letter. He really just wants to know because as much as the idea of a secret admirer is wonderful, he'd much rather have a face to go along with the words.

"Guys can we please take this seriously." Louis complains, tired of Liam's shenanigans. If he's going to figure out who this guy is, Liam is definitely going to have to try harder.

"We are taking this seriously Lou." He turns to the last person at the table. "We have one more suspect."

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