Harry's Testimony:

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Harry sits uneasily in his chair. He has all the attributes of being guilty, not maintaining eye contact and fidgeting in place. Louis eyes him suspiciously, wondering what in the world has gotten into his best mate.

"You alright Harry?" Louis asks gently, trying not to make him more nervous than he seems to already be. However, Liam is turning on the bad cop act again..

"Yeah Harry are you. You seem awfully jumpy." He remains silent and Louis is getting worried for his best friend. "Just admit it Harry you did it." Louis wants to tell Liam to stop being a prick and let Harry go, but Harry is already off on a tangent, hands moving in the air crazily.

"I did it okay. It was me. I'm sorry Louis. I know you don't feel the same way, but I had to tell you. I didn't know what else to do." He's full out bawling now and Louis is shell shocked.

Harry was the last person he expected to be his secret admirer, but here he is, pouring his heart out and feeling guilty about it. Louis falls into a chair, staring intently at Harry.

"It was really you?" Harry sniffles and then nods his head solemnly. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything Lou. It's okay, I get it." Harry has fresh tears in his eyes and Louis just wants to see him smile again.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"How long have you liked me?" Harry finally catches Louis' eyes. It breaks Louis' heart to see Harry so upset about this.

"Maybe six months."



"Why didn't you tell me about it before?"

"Because I wasn't sure before..."

Six months ago, Harry and Louis were sitting in in Harry's room, listening to music. They were supposed to be working on their math homework, but Louis being easily distracted, gave up on that prospect a half hour ago.

"What do you want to do with your life?" Harry asked, laying back on his bed with his head upside down. He was watching Louis who was sat on the floor, mindlessly doodling on his paper.

"Don't you think that's a bit deep for our 17 year old minds?"

"Just answer the question Lou." Louis sighs dramatically, but answers the question nonetheless.

"I don't really know. I want to go into drama school, but there's such a slim chance of making a career out of it. I think I might go into teaching. I've lived with younger girls my whole life and I think I have a knack for working with children."

"But don't you want to follow your dreams and work in the theater business?"

"Being in the theater business isn't my only dream." He stopped his hand movements, glancing up at Harry who now sits criss-cross on the bed.

"What other dreams do you have then?"

"I want to be able to always have you in my life." Harry can feel his heartbeat quicken and he goes scarlet at his words.

"I want that too." He whispers. Louis finally makes eye contact with him and smiles bashfully.



"Then it's settled. We'll be together for life." Louis grinned then let his eyes flicker back down, trying to get back into his work.

That was the moment Harry felt something more. He didn't see Louis as just a friend anymore. He saw him as a human being who is fairly attractive and incredibly enchanting. Still, he couldn't be too sure if what he was feeling for Louis was more than just a friendly love.

Since then, Harry noticed everything. He noticed that when Louis was tired he'd want longer hugs or if he was hungry he was snappier. He noticed that Louis loved wearing Harry's sweaters when he was cold and stealing his beanies when he had a bad hair day. He noticed that when Louis talked to groups he was always more charismatic, but when it was just them, just Harry and Louis, his voice would be softer. Harry noticed all that and more and with every passing day he felt like he was falling harder. He was falling and he didn't know what to do about it.

It was recently that he had gotten it in his head that he had to tell Louis. He just had to let him know how he felt. Except, there was no plan. He couldn't figure out of way of telling him without losing him as a friend. Harry thinks he got the idea when he watched some movie, deciding to write Louis a love letter. He wrote it all out and was just about to sign it when he realizes that he couldn't. He couldn't because he wasn't sure how Louis would take it. So he signed 'anonymous' leaving it at that and slipping it into the locker.

"I'm sorry Louis, I really am. I didn't mean to keep this secret from you, but I didn't know how to tell you." Harry is still sobbing and Louis is still shocked, but he thinks he understands now.

"So you like me then?" Harry hesitates, nodding after a few more tears slip out.

"Okay then." Harry stares up at Louis through red rimmed eyes.

"Okay?" Louis nods.

"Yeah..." He trailed off as he walked around the desk to plop himself down in Harry's lap. "For the record. I like you too." He leans down and let's his lips ghost over Harry's. "A lot." He seals their lips in a kiss that leaves Harry stunned. Louis tightens his arms around Harry's shoulders, hands combing through his hair.

"So does that mean..."

"Yes Harry, do I have to spell everything out for you?" Harry gives a watery laugh and pulls Louis closer, planting kiss after kiss on his face.

"This is why I love you." Harry held a new twinkle in his eyes and Louis let himself be smothered by more kisses.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

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