Part 15: Beatrice! You bit me!

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Heehee(: Enjoy--Tris's POV

Also, the title of this chapter comes from the Youtube video over there ------> Side bar!

Tris's POV:

I sit at the Chasm who knows how much longer. My jeans stick to me with water, my shoes soaked. At this moment though, I couldn't care less.

I know...I know. I cheated first, but where does that give him the right to do it?! And then he just kept kissing her after he saw me. I may have cheated, but at least if I had saw him I would have stopped! He just kept on kissing her!

Of course I'm not mad at Tami. I'm still just plain angry in general though. She's nice and I heard Tobias say he was single. To hell he was! We never said we were done! He's a hypocrite! I understand that I did it first. 'What goes around, comes around.' But does that give him the right to cheat on me?! No! It does not! I wasn't even the one that initiated the cheating! Uriah kissed me!

Shaking me head, I stand up, my sneakers filled with cold water. I climb the steps slowly, my shoes making little 'squish' noises. I walk to Tobias and my room and change. I put on Christina's white shirt from Candor that I got when she...passed and black shorts. I slip into black sandals and leave my room.

I walk to the cafeteria. It's been a while since I've eaten. I grab a hamburger and a water. I eat slowly, thinking.

One minute, we were happy, Tobias and I. I screwed up, and then he did. Although they were the same crime, his was definitely worse. He saw me and still kissed her! Plus he was relatively sober when he kissed her! For God's sake, he was straddling her! I push the thoughts away, pressing down on them to rid myself of the pain. Instead, I think of Will.

Imagine how he feels. Christina was pregnant with twins. She was married already. To Will. It was a week before their anniversary. Their first wedding anniversary. A stray tear falls down my cheek. All of this is too much. I can't do this. I can't deal with this.

I finish eating and throw my plate away. I walk to my room. The one is was originally assigned. Not the one I share with Tobias. I haven't stepped foot in here since my first week of officially being Dauntless.

It looks exactly the same. Same black bed with silk sheets. Same dark gray walls. Same everything. I jump into the middle of the sheets, the comforter surrounding me.

What am I going to do?

Do I stay with him?

Do I go?

I breathe in the musky scent of the room.

The room's dark...Dark enough that I don't see the shadow of someone in the corner until they move. I scream and the person runs to me. They fling a hand over my mouth, silencing a scream. I bite down on the rough calloused skin of their palm. A sour metallic taste fills my mouth as they scream.

A manly scream.

"Damn it, Tobias!" I yell, holding a hand to my chest. "You scared the crap out of me!" I exclaim.

"You bit my hand!" He yells back.

"I didn't know it was you!" I yell back.

"Well, I didn't know you would be in here! I also didn't know that you would bite me!" He throws his hands up in the air, exasperated.

"I'm just going to go, now." He says, turning towards the door.

"Wait-!" I yell, stopping him with my words. He turns to me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I...I made my decision..." I trail off. His eyes light up and he sits on the bed. I pause, fiddling with my fingers.

"W-what is it, Tris?" He asks, his hands taking mine.

"I forgive you." I whisper.

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