Chapter 8

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A/N- Hello! Romance is in the air, depending on when I publish this...(It's way WAY WAY SO F**KING WAY past Valentine's day. I'm an ass.) I really like this song, from an AWESOME GAME (BioShock Infinite). It's a little different from the one I heard originally, but it is still incredible in my opinion. :) Here's chapter 8! Don't own Fairy Tail! (Don't worry, if you don't live in America, I still love you! <3) Also, can I just say, 588 reads? That's AMAZING! I never thought this would happen. Thank you all so much! <3 Though, not many people read these A/N :P.

Lucy POV-

    I stood there just staring out the window for I don't know how long. A flood of thoughts were running through me, I has no clear idea of what was going on. A horrible shadow was pacing the ground around the corpses of its preys. It was a disgusting sight, but I knew I had seen worse. Even so, it was still sick.

   After tracing the beast's steps with my eyes, I finally burst out through the coffee shop door. I was making a plan as a went, grabbing loose ends of here and there for ways to stop 'it'. I was so glad I didn't wear heels today 'cause I knew that this would get messy. But still, fighting in a prissy dress could be a disadvantage. I willed myself to look away from the poor bodies on the ground. I hadn't seen something like that in a while, and I wasn't ready to get back into it.

   The beast, I'm presuming male, noticed me and smiled an evil, gross, sharp-teethed smile. I kept my face stern. Damn! Why did Gray have to leave? I knew I would've liked to have some help in this situation! the streets were basically empty now, just the beast and me, everyone else having run away.

  The beast got tired of waiting and sprung into action. He threw himself at me, but I didn't know how it would hurt since he's a shadow. But just as I was doubting his attack, the beast rose from the ground into a black monster still charging in my direction. I dodged out of the way at the last second, my attention distracted on the beast's change in stance. 

   That's when it hit me. There was some freaky-ass black shadow-thing that had come for Lissana. Was this it? Or was this just working with the creature that took over Lissana? I had already defeated the beast back there, but I didn't know if there were anymore of them, or what they could possibly be planning.

   My dress danced around me harshly as I darted away from the beast's attacks. As he stumbled from one of my dodges, I took the time to change my attire. It wasn't the best since I had to be quick. I held my hand to my thigh and surged magic through me. My dress changed into a tight fighting suit the same color of my dress. My white flats changed into white combat boots.

   Good enough, I thought. I pulled a thin blade with a blue ribbon tied to the handle out of thin air and into my hand. The beast's expression now looked determined, and so did mine. My sword glinted with a bright shine in the afternoon sun.

   We raced towards each other with my sword raised and the beast's claws stretched out for me. I sliced what I presumed to be his shoulder blade. The beast didn't seemed hurt, he just let out an angry growl and swiped his claws across my chest, ending at my lower stomach.

   It wasn't too bad, but it was enough to leave some scars and make me hiss in pain. Wonder if Wendy can fix this...

      I got mad too- mostly irritated- and plunged my sword into the beast's left leg. He howled in pain and crouched on the ground. I held my hands to my growing wound, trying to stop the blood flow that would only get worse if I kept moving. I dropped my sword to the ground with a clatter and lurched forward, the pain getting unmistakably worse. It wasn't like that a minute ago! What had happened? Were his claws poisoned or something? No way...

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