I will wait

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I jumped around the house trying to get some kind of order in there. It was like loons house. Oh yeah it IS a loons house. "Little flame are you home?"I heard the loons voice. I smiled. Home. "Yes, trying to sort your killing fluids"I yelled back. I heard a giggle, which made me smile.
''Nay, they are not killing fluids...unless I want them to be''I shook my head at his explanatory. "How was Ragnar?"I asked. He tensed. "I-We don't want you to join the raid"he gulped. "Repeat please"I growled. He looked at me scared. "Sonja w-we only m-mean well"he said putting his hands up. "Oh I'll shove that well up to your crazy viking ass"I said spinnig my axe in my hand.
And then it started. I chased him around the house with axe while he threw things at me to slow me down. Once I got him against the wall I asked:"Why?". "we only want ya to be safe"he said. "Why would I not be safe. I was gone for very damn long. Alone. I know the world Floki. Is it because I'm the weaker sex"I mocked. "Ya do not know what they can do"he tried to reason. "I know what they can do. I know what they to. Do you not understand that you are only one who I let take me willingly. YET I CAN'T EVEN COUNT HOW MANY TIMES I'VE BEEN USED AS A TOY FOR ENGLISH MEN"I screamed. "THAT'S WHY WE WANT YOU TO STAY"he screamed back silencing me. He wrapped his arms around me. "And I will wait. I will not lay with any lady or a harlot till I will get the one I want. I will wait till you will be ready to get us a gift from Freya"I smiled at his words. "And I will wait till you are back, I will take care of your humble home"I chuckled looking into his wild eyes. "Our humble home"he corrected.
It was time to say goodbye. "Will the gods bless you brother"I whispered hugging Ragnar. He held my face in his hands and gave me a brotherly kiss on the lips. It was normal. Northmen are not shy folk. "Rollo"I said taking his hand. The greedy, yet protective brother of mine. "Please, come back in one peace"I said smiling softly. He didn't even look at me and started to walk away. "That's it"I growled and forcefully hugged his torso like a leech. "If you do not hug back in five blinks I will stuck here till we both rott away"I threatened. He chuckled and pressed his face into my hair and hugged me tight. He desperately needed love and affection. I know its naive because he is a big brute. But even he needs caring. "You are truly only one who understands me"he mumbled. "And always will"I smiled.
"Björn come say good bye to your aunt"I usher my arms open wide. He chuckles and hugs me. "I swear I will kill some bastards who hurt you"his words made me giggle. He was my nephew not my father. "You are so your parents son"I leaned his head down kissing his brows forhead and chin. I know a christian signe but Athelstan saud people do it to grant luck and protection.
Then i gently hugged Floki. "And you think this is enough"he exlaimed. "Wha-"he smashed his mouth on mine. He was not gentle but not to rough.I held onto his neck. "A hell of a goodbye"I said breathlessly. "Just making sure that people know my territory"he winked. That man is going to be the death of me.

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