Lmao if you're not 16 years old, then pretend for the sake of the story. otl xD
"oh i was just wondering how old are you," the moment she had realized what she said, she covered her mouth to prevent any more embarrassing words to come out. well, by what she said, what was she implying? now he's gonna think that she's making fun of his height; though she were just curious. shit.
he frowned and gave her a glare that would surely shoot holes on her head. you exhaled, calming herself before removing her hand on her mouth to speak. "i'm sorry- i was just- oh my god, i was just thinking and- fuck!" she panicked. she was indeed in a mess.
his gaze softened at (hair colored) haired girl beside her as a smile mindlessly crept upon his lips. he was supposed to be annoyed but when the girl started to panic, he thought kf jt as... adorable. "it's okay," he muttered, "i get that a lot." he nodded, assuming that he quit the game comlpletely and locked his phone before shoving it back in his pocket. he didn't waste any more time in telling him his age.
(f/n) was shocked when he sakd that he was already nineteen years old. how can he be so...short? because from what she had seen, nineteen year olds nowadays was definitely taller than a lamp post on the streets.
well, maybe there were people who were short. or maybe he hasn't had hit puberty yet. the second one was almost impossible since he was nineteen and all, but maybe he was a late bloomer. the hell.
"i didn't catch your name," she mentally hit herself on a brick wall for sounding so impatient and clingy.
"lee jihoon. but my friends call me woozi. yeah. call me woozi i'd like that more please," he said.
(f/n) nodded and felt eerie inside. he wants her to call him what his friends call him. did he consider you as a friend now? why was she even happy?
what am i even thinking.
HEY YOOOO xD I'm feeling v lazy rn so sorry if this was short :(
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{unedited bc I'm lazy af}

babysitter » lee jihoon
Fanfiction❝oooh someone is in love with the babysitter~❞ ーlowercasing intended ©sushiineki, 2016