they decided to stop by at the lee's residence before settling back at pledis, since they need to drop the groceries. jihoon settled on the couch with his legs slightly apart while chugging on a soda. he threw his head back and felt himself relax from all the things that he did. if only it was easy being an idol.
(f/n) came out of the kitchen and sat beside him, crossing her arms. "shall we go now?"
"not yet," he breathed, "i wanna rest for a while,"
"dude, your members are like working their ass of there, plus your siblings are—"
"chill, let's just stay here for five minutes or so," he smirked at the girl and placed his head on the girl's lap, wanting to tease her because he knows that she didn't really liked skin-ship, especially when a boy does that to her. he was expecting something violent like a slap or she'd simply push his head away but her actions surprised him.
she smiled and began playing with his hair. it was soft, though it was bleached a bunch of times, it still felt soft. she can't get enough of it. "uh," she muttered after she noticed that she was staring at woozi's face for a while. "just what do you want to do?" she asked, starting a topic awkwardly.
woozi shrugged. "i don't have anything in mind," he stated and sat up. now she wanted him back. she pouted without being noticed and looked as him as he finished the can of soft drink. "why aren't you drinking your soda?" he asked, pointing to the can of untouched coke on the table.
she shook her head. "no, i don't drink those anymore, but thanks though,"
nodding, she got a hold of the can and handed it to woozi. he shook his head, telling her that he doesn't want it. she placed the drink down and folded her arms behind her head, plopping her back to the couch. "yo, what time is it?" she asked, trying to fit herself in the atmosphere because it was really, really awkward.
usually, when a guy would confess to her at school, she'll shrug it off and talk to him like it was nothing. it wasn't anywhere near to what she's feeling right now. a nerve-wrecking silence, followed by small talks here and there then after that it goes another round of disturbing silence lingers in her ears, eardrums almost breaking. she loathed that eerie feeling, so much.
she wasn't utterly sure why she felt something as horrible as that but it was certainly uncomfortable. "it's still early, chill down. you worry too much," jihoon said, now leaning his head on her shoulders. she relaxed at the skin-ship and started to start a conversation about pineapples and then soon, it became exchanges of lame jokes and puns while making fun of jihoon's members.
she was a bit comfortable now but their laughter was cut off by her phone ringing.
without even looking at the caller id, she answered it. "hello?"
she moved her phone away from her ear a bit since vernon's voice could break her eardrums. "calm your butt vernon, it's only been two hours, the fuck?"
"okay, alright, i'm fine with you and hyung being not here but," he stated, he seemed a bit freaked out. "hOW THE FUCK DO WE TELL THESE DAMN KIDS TO CALM DOWN?!?"
"oh, what happened?"
"i don't fucking know, they just started crying,"
she deadpanned at vernon as if he could he her. "alright, hold your tits, we're coming there,"
"you better!"
then the line went dead. she shoved her phone back in her pockets and rolled her eyes. "why?" woozi asked.
"your siblings are having tantrums,"
he nodded and headed back to pledis while woozi gives her surprise kisses on her cheeks that made her really flustered.
Well damn, this just took a quick turn idk xDI'm back from the dead. LMAO i
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Twitter: hoshinooujo
Skype: nekiberries

babysitter » lee jihoon
Fanfic❝oooh someone is in love with the babysitter~❞ ーlowercasing intended ©sushiineki, 2016