it was nearly midnight when woozi and (f/n) came home because woozi kept pestering (f/n) to stay there and wait for him. (f/n) didn't plan on staying with him but for some reason, he managed to convince her to stay and watch them.
it became a routine for her to pay woozi a visit during lunch and sometimes cook food for his members.
today was a normal saturday and seventeen was practicing really hard for their comeback. it was boring and (f/n) wanted to leave but jihoon forced her to stay so that he could have someone to walk with on his way home.
she kept the twins in company because all they want was to join their brother dance there. so, what she did was bought crayons and pad papers so that they'll be busy for a while.
jin walked up to her and showed her a paper with a big, red heart drawn on the paper. it was poorly drawn but what do you expect from a two year old? she smiled at jin and carried him, placing the child on her lap. "what is that, jin?" she asked.
"heart," he said almost incoherently.
"for who?"
"noona!" he exclaimed happily, giving her the piece of paper.
"it's a beautiful heart, jin," she smiled and ruffled the young male's head.
moments later, jangmi came up to them and showed her a piece of paper with two people in it; one was a boy and the other was a girl who was holding the hand of the boy and in the center, there was a small heart placed. she realized that it must be their parents so she put jin down and ran to the corner of the room and continued drawing stuff. "is that mama and papa, jangmi?" she asked only to be responded with the female twin shaking her head.
her eyebrows creased and asked her who was in the drawing but instead of smiling and laughing, her eyes widen and her face reddened a bit. "it's eonnie and oppa," she forced a smile and shook her head.
"a-ah jangmi, don't—" she was cut off by woozi who took the paper out of jangmi's grasp. he inspected the drawing and smirked. he crouched down so that he was in jangmi's level.
"is this oppa?" the girl nodded her head eagerly. "then who's this?" he pointed at the girl in the drawing.
"eonnie!" she smiled.
(f/n) covered her face in embarrassment and decided not to talk about it but woozi was a bit... amused at her reactions. "why her?" he asked the twin once again.
"because oppa woves eonnie and she woves oppa~!"
well, that escalated really quick. (f/n) can do nothing but sigh and carry jangmi. "jangmi," she called out, but the twin pouted at her.
"don't you like oppa?"
"as a friend, yes," she wasn't sure if the toddler understood what she said but, how else can she say it? she saw woozi frown from the corner of her eye but paid no attention because she was too embarrassed to even face the male.
"would you like ice cream, jangmi?" she change the topic.
"yes eonnie!"
"great! then let's go get jin, alright?"
she nodded and went to where jin was, and set jangmi to the ground, holding the twins on both of her hands. "w-woozi, i'll take them to an ice cream parlor nearby, i'll be back s-soon," she stuttered and before the male could even mutter a word, she left just like that.
woozi sighed and stared at the paper that his sibling drew. "ooh, someone is in love~" he turned his head and saw vernon smiling at him like the idiot he was.
he rolled his eyes off the boy and stood up, "shut up, vernon, i'm not." he retorted but seokim came to vernon's side and teased woozi more, making the shorter boy scowl at them.
he wasn't supposed to have feelings for the babysitter.
An update because, Jangmi aye lmao.
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Skype: nekiberries (tell me if you're from Wattpad) :)

babysitter » lee jihoon
Fanfiction❝oooh someone is in love with the babysitter~❞ ーlowercasing intended ©sushiineki, 2016