she looked at the boy beside her with disbelief. her (eye color) fully opened, while she processed the situation she's in. she didn't know how to react but it snapped her, what if they had another baby sitter? or perhaps the past baby sitter they had? right, maybe they had a past baby sitter.
she let out a nervous chuckle as she slapped the male's arm playfully. "damn that was a good joke," she trailed, gulping her own saliva before letting out an unsure chuckle again. "but seriously, who's that girl? do you have any other baby sitter than me?" she asked. why was her heart beating so fast? she wasn't supposed to be feeling like that, why was she being like that? considering that she should be calm and chill about what he said because it didn't come into her mind that she'd actually bore feelings for him because most of the time, she'd shrug the thought of him, looking cute and deny the fact that he really looks cute especially when he smile. the twins were her distraction, and she was thankful for that.
jihoon walked closer to her, and gave her forehead a flick. "idiot, you know who the fuck i am taking about," he giggled.
she held her throbbing forehead and glared at the slightly shorter boy beside her. "ow bitch, that hurts!" she exclaimed and pursed her lips into an adorable pout when it sank in her mind, what woozi had said. "woozi, if you don't want to tell me, it's fine,"
"i already told you,"
"really? what's her name?"
"for fuck's sake her name is (l/n) (f/n)!" he snapped at her, making her a tad bit petrified of the male.
she tried to tell herself that everything was a joke but her heart beat tells otherwise. maybe, it was all just a stupid dream but no, she was wide awake and everything was fucking real. "oh fuck woozi, do you even know what you're saying?"
he chuckled as he rolled his eyes playfully and pulled me. "i'm so done with you," he laughed and dragged her to god knows where.
"wait. where are you taking me?" i asked and raised an eyebrow.
"did you forget?" he stopped, "we're going grocery shopping,"
she mentally hit herself on a brick wall millions of times for what he said. god, this is so fucking embarrassing make it stop! she prayed inside her mind, while woozi took the chance to stand on his tippy toes and place a kiss on (f/n)'s cheeks, making her face show a light hue of pink.
she always wondered how his lips would feel like; and now, she knows the answer. damn, now she wants it on her lips now...
i mean, what?
she held her cheek that the shorter male had kissed. it still lingered there; even though it was only for a split second, it felt like it was there for an hour or so because she can still feel his lips there.
averting her eyes to the boy, he gave her a smile and pulled her so that they could go grocery shopping.
she can't believe it. everything.
Lmao I'm fucking drained idk what to write anymore sorry ;~;
Contact Me:
Skype: nekiberries

babysitter » lee jihoon
Fanfiction❝oooh someone is in love with the babysitter~❞ ーlowercasing intended ©sushiineki, 2016