saturdays are what she hates. because not only she had nothing to do, but also the fact that she keeps on procrastinating on her homeworks that she should be doing last friday night. again, she was on the couch watching the twins play with their lego and other toys; much to her interest. she used to have fun playing with them but right now, all she wants to do is lay in bed and think about life.
jihoon on the otherhand was keeping himself busy by watching something on his phone that seemed really interesting. he kept on smiling every five seconds and he had his earphones on. he might be watching porn. not really surprising; guys need that alright? but still, her face crinkled at the thought of him watching porn BESIDE her; a girl; a person with boobs and ovaries? she doesn't even know anymore.
he was too engrossed to even feel her moving closer to him. wow, he must have been enjoying that shit really nice. she poked his cheek, ripping his gaze off the phone and to her. he smiled and leaned in to steal a kiss from the female. she widened her eyes as she tried to sink in what he just did right now. like, is jihoon out of his mind? why would he even do that.
jangmi saw what his brother did and reacted immediately, "eewww, eonnie and oppa shouldn't be doing that," her face showed disgust, but it faded into a really playful and cute smile.
"does noona woves hyung now?' jin butted in, climbing on the couch beside (f/n).
jihoon smiled at his sibling. "yes, noona loves huyng," he smirked and the twins had a mini celebration for that. hearing a few 'yay's and 'woohoo's from both of them.
she was about to retort but the words were all balled up inside her throat, unable to come out. in addition to that, her heart was beating a million times per second and she felt heat rise up to her face. she opened her mouth but no words came out. it was a bit hard for her to speak.
her insides were throwing a party, and she had no control over it. why was she feeling like that? a gut wrenching feeling where you don't know if it was nervousness or anxiety because the symptoms were probably not far from each other.
after a couple of minutes staring into nowhere, she was brought back to reality by jihoon's lips landing on one side of her cheek. her eyes slowly averted to the pink haired male who was smiling ever so cute beside her, faces only a mere inch apart.
she wasn't sure why she can't cuss at him and be the tough cookie that she was.
he made her feel different in all sorts of ways. "are you alright?"
she swallowed some saliva before answering the male. "o-of course, wh-why?" she hated herself for stuttering.
"you look so cute," and then kissed her again.
just what the fuck is he trying to do?
OMG ASDFGHJKLHSGSUR OMGOMG 200+ READS OHMYGOD GAISE I'M SO HAPPY LOL. I know that it isn't a lot but thank you so much for reading this. I believe that this story is pure shit so thank you so fucking much.
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Twitter: hoshinooujo
Skype: nekiberries

babysitter » lee jihoon
Fanfiction❝oooh someone is in love with the babysitter~❞ ーlowercasing intended ©sushiineki, 2016