Chapter One

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"I can't wait to see my new school." Lucy said.
     Lucy and and her family were in an airplane to Connecticut, from Cuba. Cuba is a Spanish speaking country and the kids go to school in uniforms. The kids in school sit tall and they are very respectful of the teachers. Lucy and her family moved from Cuba because there was a war right near their home, so they had to move.
   "We are landing in two minutes," the pilot said over the loudspeaker.
     We were in the plane for about seven hours and I am so tired. My family and I will be staying at a hotel for the night. Then, tomorrow we will finish our journey,when we reach our new house.
     As we reached our hotel room there was two random people in it kissing. They said "is this your room or is it ours?"
     "I think this it is our room so get out, please," Lucy said.
    "Well we should go and find out who's room this is. First can I get changed out of my pajamas," the woman said.
    Once we reached the front desk, at the main entrance, my mom asked the the gentleman who worked at the hotel "Who's room is this because we found these two people in the room we were told is ours."
   The man said "This is the Browns' room, not the Little's room. The Little's were supposed to leave last night. Your rent was up."
   The man who worked their and the random guy got into a fist and verbal fight because that was not their room. So Lucy and her family went to there room to unpack their closes.
    I thought that the hotel was one of the nicest looking places I have every been to. I could see my reflection on the shiny marble floors and walls. There was two king sized beds in the room. One for me and one for my parents. The beds were so soft and comfy, I don't think I have been on anything as comfy as this bed.
    Once I got my pajamas on, I brushed my teeth and went two bed. It was 6:00 pm and I was so tired from the plane ride and the hotel problem. I wish I could just find some friends on my first day and not be left alone. I wish people could respect my differences and treat me like I have been to this school before.
     The next day, when I woke up, I woke up my parents so we could finish our journey to Connecticut. I just could not wait till we reached our house in Groton. The house we were going to get was along the ocean. I would have three neighbors that were around my
    When my mom and dad woke up we all got ready two go to our new home. We had pancakes for breakfast and orange juice to drink. Then, we packed our bags and singed out of the hotel.
     We got a taxi to a car dealership to get a car, my mom had a drivers licenses and would drive us to our new home. We got a Honda Polite so we could fit eight people in the car at a time. The seats were comfy and the car smelled like leather, a smell I  have never smelled before.
     We were in the car for about two hours from the dealership in Hartford to our house in Groton. The car ride felt so long and I fell asleep in the car.
    When I woke up, I was at my new home. It was big and had three rooms. I asked if I could have the biggest room and I didn't have to share it with anyone because I was the only child.
    I unpacked all my close in my room. My room had a walk in closet, a bathroom attacked two my room, and a queen sized bed.
     The doorbell rings and Lucy runs downs starts two open it. Outside was a boy her age and had food in his hands. She opened the door and he walked in. He placed the food on the table and sat down next two Lucy on the couch.
    "What is your name?" Lucy asked.
    "My name is Luke, what is your name?" the boy said.
    " Lucy," she said " Where do you live?"
    " I live next door to you," Luke replied
    " Were did you move from?" Luke asked.
    "Cuba, their was a war near my home, and the army forced us to leave." Lucy explained.

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