Chapter 5

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Picture of Jasmine and Alice^^^^


Jasmine's p.o.v.

As I woke up I yawned and stretched. I looked over and grabbed my phone seeing a text from Alex.

Alex- I might not be able to talk for a while since I'm moving

Me- oh, where you moving to?

I put my phone down and went to my closet I picked out my sweater that says, " I'm sorry it's just that i literally do not care at all" and a pair of light washed skinny jeans and my favorite converse. 

After I took a shower I got dressed and sat on my bed deciding to watch t.v. As I was sitting there I saw my phone flash. I picked it up and saw it was Alex.

Alex- I'm moving to California

Shocked. That's all I could think. He's moving here? Oh my gosh I might meet him in person.

Me- oh what school?

Alex- MCHS

Oh boy. So I will see him around then. Should I tell him though? Eh, he'll have to find out on his own I guess.

Me- oh that's cool

Alex- yeah

Me- well good luck, I gotta go eat breakfast 

Alex- aight ttyl princess

Me- same to you my prince

I laughed as I logged off and put my phone to the side. I was walking down stairs when I smelt bacon. Mm, bacon.

I hurried downstairs to make sure I got some before my dad, but he was already there. Dang. 

"Ah, I see you tried to beat me down here," my dad laughed.

"You know, some people like bacon. Gotta get down here before the pig takes it all." I snorted.

"Why would a pig eat it's family," my dad asked skeptically.

"Nice job old man, glad to see your picking up what I'm putting down," I said as I smiled and kissed his and my moms cheek.

"Okay Children no need to get crazy, I can always make more," she laughed.

"Mom you don't have to make more than you already have," I smiled innocently, "because I can always do this." I finished as I ran to my dad and took some of his bacon.

"Hey don't make daddy mad. I'm the one that brings home the bacon," he laughs.

"Umm I believe I help with that to mister," my mom said with her hands on her hip.

"OOOOH. Better watch what you say now daddy." I said walking to my mom and standing behind her.

"I know babe. I love you," he says walking up to her and kissing her.

"AHH!! My virgin eyes!" I screamed as my parents sat there with amusement in their eyes.

I shook my head and made my way upstairs to my room.

I decided I wanted it to be a lazy day so I just watched movies by myself all day.

*~A week later~*

Alex's p.o.v.

I'm finally moved and ready to go to my school. As I woke up I trudged downstairs, ate, and walked back upstairs. I picked out the clothes I was gonna wear today and took a shower.

I don't know why but I have been really excited for today. I guess it's gonna be a good day.

*~At School~*

I was walking through the school doors going to the office to get my schedule. Of course me, being the person I am wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," she said.

"No, I should be the one to apologize I wasn't watching where I was going," I said back.

I looked up and was shocked.

"Jasmine?" I asked.

"Alex?" She said with the same amount of shock.

"Wow, your more beautiful in person," I said.

I smiled as I saw her blush crimson. 

"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes.

"Can you show me where the Geometry 2 honors class is?" I asked.

"Yep that's my first class. What else do you have."

I read them off to her and looked up. She seemed to be shocked?

"Why do you look so shocked?" I asked.

"We have all the same classes," she said.

I smiled widely. 

"That is definitely fine by me princess," I said as I smirked.

She shook her head and started walking, "Come on Alex, don't wanna be late on your first day." She said.

*~After School~* 

Jasmine's p.o.v.

I found out at the last minute my dad couldn't pick me up and I had nobody to take me home. As I was walking on my side walk I heard a car coming and look to see Alex.

 I smiled at him as he pulled over, "need a ride?!" He called to me.

"If you wouldn't mind," I said.

"Of course I wouldn't. Come on." 

I got in and gave him my address. Once we got there I looked at Alex.

"Thanks for the ride Alex, it means a lot." I said.

"It's fine. I don't have a problem with doing so," He said, "let me see your phone." He said.

I gave him my phone and he put his number in.

"If this happens again, I'm just one call away," he says while smiling.

"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"See ya!" He called back.

I walked inside and got a snack. I walked upstairs and laid down on my bed with the tv on, soon enough I fell asleep.


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