Calm Down

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Temper's POV

*Four Months*

"T can I get your opinion?" Kelly said walking into my office. It was really my home studio but I called it my office. "Yeah?" I said writing in a song book. "I was thinking about doing a powered yellow for the nursery but I don't know now. "What do you think?" Kelly plopped down next to me. I put my pen in the book marking the page and closed the notebook. "Let me see." She handed me the swatches of paint colors. I looked at the color. "Well what's wrong with it?" I asked giving it back. "I like it on the card but I don't know how I would like it on a big wall." She thought more. "We can go looking for more colors and if you find on you like better we'lll use that one." I kissed her on the cheek. "Sure." She said getting up. "Aye." I grabbed Kelly's fattening up hand. She looked over her shoulder. "I love you." I let go. Bending down she kissed me with her soft lips. "I love you too." She got up walking out the door. "I have to pick out the furnishes for the room. So I'll be back-" I cut her off. "Im going with you." I grabbed my jacket. "I'm okay T." She said rubbing her belly. Grabbing my keys I ignored her. "I am going." I said learning against the door. "Alright, I have to grab my shoes and a jacket." I watched as she pulled herself up each step.

I can say I'm surprised in myself. I thought I would never be in this predicament. I mean I've always wanted Kelly. But I never thought that it would actually happen. Recently I've cut back on studio and a lot of other things to be with Kelly. Shopping for the nursery. Baby proofing the house. I bought a house in the suburbs of LA. I can say that I like this whole family thing a lot.

"Babe where are my sneakers?" She called from upstairs. "Top shelf." I screamed back. "I still don't see them." She barked agitated. "Left side Kelly." It was silent for a moment. I heard a knock against the wall. I really hope shes not trying to knock them down. "Come on." I heard her hit it again. "Kelly be careful. Do you need any help?" I said kind of cautious. "No! I got it!" Her aggressive tone echoed the house. Fucking hormones. The third time she jumped causing something to come crashing down. "Shit!" I heard her hit the floor with a thud. The sudden noise scared me a bit. I ran upstairs to see if everything was okay. I swung around the comer running up the hallway to our room. I went to the master walk in closet. Kelly was sitting on the floor holding her head. "Kelly what's going on?" I said standing in the doorway. She lifted her head looking towards me. "Oh my god baby. You're bleeding." I said rushing over to her. She blinked heavily clearing her blurry sight. She touched the wound lightly. Kelly flinched hard. Blood covered her fingertips.

"Well I guess that kills our trip." She said as I helped her towards the door. "I'm taking you to the emergency room." Kelly nodded her head getting up walking slowly. She grabbed her stomach wincing in pain. Her legs got weak for a second. She grabbed the door frame for support quickly. "You okay babe?" I said worried. "My stomach, h-had a cramp." She pushed through. I scooped her up walking down the hallway. She wrapped her arm around my neck gripping my shirt. "I got you."

Forty Five Minutes Later...

Kelly sat on the end of the hospital table. I paced back and forth upset. "Babe. Can you sit down?" Kelly held an ice pack to her head. "We've been waiting for the cat scans and ultrasound for fifteen minutes. Why is it taking so long?" I rubbed my jaw. "I'm fine. They already gave me the stitches and pain meds." She looked kind of dazed. I grabbed her hand rubbing my thumb across the back of hers. "I know, I just want you to be okay." She gave me a grin. Just when I was about to kiss Kelly someone came in.

"I'm sorry, nurse Jakie had to leave. But I'll be taking care of you." I stood frozen for a second. I knew that voice anywhere. I turned around slowly. My eyes met with hers. She let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Temper." She had a disgusted look on her face. "Hello Megan." I said putting my hands in my pocket. "Last time I saw you, you were under me in Paris." She said blatantly. "And I never saw you again." She crossed her arms. Kelly cleared her throat. I moved to the side. "Im so sorry." She let out a breath walking past me. "That was very unprofessional of me." She went having a seat on a stool next to Kelly.

I was completely at a loss of words. I thought I wouldn't see her ever again. And yes everything she just said was completely very true. The last time we saw each other we had a one night stand. I met her in a bar and the rest is history. I snuck out of her room that night hoping I would never see her again.

"So uhm Ms.Rowland it looks like you have some swelling in your forehead area. But nothing to worry about." She went through the information. I stood confused af as Kelly gave me a "You in trouble." stare. I don't have the slightest clue of why she was mad at me right now. "And your ultrasound. You have elevated blood pressure. Which is probably from stress. But its nothing to be to worked about. You just need to rest more. And you should be fine." She stacked the papers back into the manila folder. "If that's all I'll go to get a sign out sheet and you can be on your way." She got up giving Kelly a smile. "I will be right back." Megan gave me a nasty look walking out. As soon as the door closed I turned to Kelly. "I don't know-" Kelly's hand went up cutting me off. She didn't say a word took a deep breath and looked forward. I'm most definitely in the dog house.

Megan came back in letting Kelly sign the papers. Right before she left she rolled her eyes leaving the door open. Kelly got off the table quietly grabbing her jacket. She didn't even look in my direction before she left. Oh what have I done now...

Thirty minutes later...

I that car ride was quite for the most part. I just looked forward not paying Kelly any mind. And it pissed her off. Her leg bounced a little as her tongue played with the side side of her mouth. She let out a solid breath causing me to break my silence.

"Kelly are you ok-" she cut me off quickly. "No I'm not fucking okay. Do you remember the last time you, no we were in Paris?" I looked at her puzzled. Last time we were in Paris Kelly and I were not fucking with each other like that. "Yeah?" I said upping my eyebrows. "Why you look like that?" She said angrily. "Because I don't know why you mad and shit. You had a whole nigga." I leaned back with an attitude. She rolled her eyes. "You know what forget it." She crossed her arms. "Nah cuz I don't have time for this shit. You not finna walking around with an attitude." I gripped the steering wheel. She looked at surprised at my tone. "Temper who do you think you are speaking to?" She barked. "I'm speaking to Trene ma'am!" I yelled. She sat quietly before I heard her sniffle. Shit I made her cry. "Kelly I'm sorry." I sincerely apologized.

I didn't mean to make her cry. I just forget that those are the hormones talking. Her moods have been on and off lately. I have to adjust to this moody side of Kelly.

"The last time we were in Paris it was my birthday." She wiped her face. "You promised me to take me to me sight seeing and just to enjoy myself. You texted me and said you were going to be a little late. Hour after Hour passes and you never come. Morning hits and you tell me you got Hung up in "business." Because of the gullible naïve person I was I believed you." She leaned back in her seat looking straight ahead. "You just left me for some one night stand." Kelly sounded really hurt by my actions. "Ke-kelly I'm so sorry." I tried to remember what the hell happened.

I wasn't feeling everything. Kelly had gotten back with Lance and the shit pissed me off. So I tried to go drink it off a little. Turns out foreign alcohol affects you differently. I fucked around and got drunk met a girl and took her back to her place. After sex I feel asleep and didn't really wake up till like ten the next morning.

"Its fine T. I don't know why I brought it up it was stupid to be mad at. Its not important anymore." She said shaking her head. "You are important. And I'm a jackass for missing your birthday. Lover or not." I placed my hand on her thigh. "I'm going to make it up to you." I drove with on hand. She gave me a slight grin. "Promise?" "I promise."


First off let me start by saying Im very pissed at the moment. So sorry if I missed any mistakes.


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