The Unspeakable

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{Luna Pov}

My eyes suddenly opened, I looked around finding Edith standing by the window holding his hand out, I sat up and moved my legs to the side of the bed as the pain grew, " Edith?," I questioned but it never came out " I believe," I heard Edith whisper but enough that I could hear, "Edith?," I tried again but this time it did come out, he looked back at me with a big grin, he started to run towards me until a black figure grabbed him from behind and yanked him out of the window.

I ran to the window and screamed in cries for him as he cried out for me, he was so far away in the sky that I lost sight of him, I started to breath heavily while I stood up pacing back and forth, with my hand on my forehead, my mother barged in with a yelled of anger " Luna! will you shut up!!," she said until she noticed the window open and Edith gone, "what have you done!!! you worthless girl!!," she ragged at me before grabbing my hand and throwing me on the ground to her kicks of anger.

I laid there in my own puddle of tears after my mother left my room, I caught myself together and grabbed my blade from under my bed and walked over to my dresser with a mirror, I saw my eye blackened and my neck bruised as well with my cheekbone, I couldn't take it anymore, I ragged over to my window and sat there letting my legs dangle over the edge, I looked down to see the dark view of the city and cars beneath me, it was a very vary long away down which made it easier for me to leave my body for sure.

I looked down at my wrist cut to shred in the middle of my arm leaving blood simmer down my arm and falling down to the city below me, I couldn't stop crying while I was over whelmed in memories of my life throwing threw my thoughts, I knew I could never get away or ever see Edith again, it was my time, time to leave this worthless life, I pushed myself off the edge letting me fall to my death as I closed my eyes while tears filled my eyes.

I felt as if the wind had caught me, I opened my eyes and found the same black figure that took my Edith had grabbed me from my death and flew me to the brightest star second to the right, I felt like I was free from my beatings and free to discover new beginnings, I can finally be with Edith if he is where this figure was taking me


I found myself on a beach with crashing waves in front of me, I had mixed feelings about this place it felt dangerous but I felt free from my life before, I stood up brushing off the sand until I heard a snap like a twig behind me making me jump from behind find a tall boy with blondish brown hair, forest green eyes leaning against a tree, he had a evil type of smirk on his face as he looked at me, it was Peter, I had dreams of this place, I'm in NeverLand.

"Peter?," was all I mumbled out, he stood up straight with confusion on his face "how do you know my name?," he questioned as he walked toward me circling me as he examined me, " don't you remember me?.... Luna," I said before he stopped in front of me raising an eyebrow "have you had dreams of being here?," he questioned totally ignoring my response before " yes why?," I muttered out as he gave me a feeling like this place isn't what I dreamed "I see... well love this is not what its all up to be," he said as he grabbed my wrist making me whimper in pain of my cuts " please let go, your hurting me," I whimpered more as he slid my sleeve up starring at my wrist then back to my bruised body " I see now why you wanted to die," he said as he waved his hand over me.

I felt great the pain went away and the scars were gone, Peter started to pull me into the forest making me wonder if he is really a bad person or if he wasn't, once we reached his camp we walked closer to the group of boys by the campfire " Boys!" he yelled as he pushed me ahead of them " we have a new_," he was cut off by a boy "Luna!." I heard that voice before, Edith. 


Sorry I haven't published sooner, recently my phone smashed so I will be using my laptop(:

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