The New Dream

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{Luna's Pov}

I opened my eyes finding a beach with what looked like an ocean in front of me, I stood up and looked behind me finding a forest with thick dark green trees, I started to notice a shadow leaning against a tree "look who we have here," I heard a British voice appear in the direction of the shadow.

The shadow started to walk towards me, I realized it was a boy with dirty blonde hair, emerald green eyes and a smirk plastered on his face "where am I? And where is my brother? He needs me," I questioned a bit worried.

"Welcome to NeverLand, I'm Peter.. Peter Pan, what about you," he replied ignoring my question about Edith, "where is my brother!," I snapped in worry of my mother abusing him "he isn't here, now your name please," Pan demanded as his look went from a smirk to a slight angry face.

"Luna.. Luna Baker," I said as I kept my head down but still keeping my eye on him as he walked closer "why am I here?," I retorted . "Well because Luna you are lost and unloved, but here everyone is loved," he said with a smirk back now.

I stood there silent not knowing what to say, he kept walking closer until he got too close making me back up "oh love you don't need to be afraid, please come back to camp with me and trust me you will like it here," he smirked as he held his hand out walking closer as I walked back looking down at his hand wondering if I should trust this mysterious boy.

I kept backing up until my back hit a tree letting him pin me, he leaned in letting his lips just inches away from mine "come to camp with me, I have some people I would like you to meet," he smirked, I slowly nodded in hesitation as he grabbed my wrist, harshly.

After walking threw the beauty of the forest in silence we came upon a camp filled with boys everywhere, it looked like 20 boys as far as I could tell, "Boys! We have a new gust Luna, make her feel like home," he said with a smile as he held his hand on my back.

He then pushed me forward to a bunch of boys sitting by a campfire, they all stared at me making me nervous, I turned around and started walking away to a thick log by the forest, I sat down with my face toward the forest starring at the ground playing with the dirt with a stick I found.

I'm a very quiet person, I have never been good talking to new people I've never meet before. "Are you not going to make friends?," a familiar British accent creeped up behind me "I'm not g-good at talking to new people," I mumbled out as I kept my head down.

"Oh it's ok you will get used to them," he said as he grab my hand pulling me up, that's when he noticed my scars, I yanked my hand out of his crossing my arms across my stomach.

"Luna?," he started until I walked away with a tear down my face, him say my name reminded the day I tried to kill myself and heard Edith say my name, it broke my heart it broke me.

I kept walking with my head down until I bumped into something or someone, "where do you think your going?," a familiar British accent came to mind, I slowly looked up at Pan "I needed to be alone for a little," I said quietly.

"Nobody is alone here Luna, please come with me I would like to show you something," she said with a grin, I wasn't sure if I should be afraid of him but I went with him.

We came up to a big cliff that had the most beautiful view ever, "wow.." Was all I could say just staining at it,  I heard his chuckle as he pushed me a little further sitting down, I left my body some space between the end of the cliff and myself.

"Why did you walk away?," he asked breaking the silence, "because it's a long story," I said as I looked down at my hands realizing my scars, "there is no time in NeverLand love," he said as he grabbed my hand.

He then waved his hand over my wrist making my scars disappear, "how-" I said before he cut me off "magic, now tell me why did you walk away?," he asked again, I looked up at him and I could already feel the tears coming but I tried to hold them back.

"About 2 years ago my life became so bad that I had no way to escape until I remembered suicide, when my mother and Edith my little brother found me about to hang myself, my mother was angry and screaming at me but the one thing that caught myself was Edith saying my name, it made me block out my mothers scream as my head broke, tears ran down my face as I ran over putting Edith into a tight hug, well that was until my mother yanked me away from him just to beat me."

Pan sat there starting at me with a blank eye not sure what to say, I looked back at my hands and started to realized he still had my hand in his, I looked up at the view trying not to look at his expression.

"Luna.." He started making me look at him as a tear rolled down my face "what," I said with a sniffle "you will never be like that here, you will be happy here, I want you to be happy," he said with a smile.

"I wish this couldn't end," with that it felt like I was getting sucked up into the air, I'm guessing I'm waking up as I got sucked up I heard Pans voice one last time.

I woke up with Edith still in my arms but the sunlight beating in my room, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I couldn't help but want to go back to my dream "Luna! Make us breakfast now! I'm waiting!!," I heard my ruthless mother yell.

I shook Edith awake "you wanna make breakfast with me?," I smiled, he perked up and had a huge grin on his face as he ran out of my room, I yawned again as I got up and walked outside of my door for the day.


Sorry this is very long just had to keep it going from the dream, if you are enjoying my book please leave a vote and comments I would love to hear your opinions!

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