Saving Edith«Part Two»

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»Two Days«


I did make it back before Edith did get hurt but today I decided to go for a 'walk' by myself, Peter did try to come with me because he didn't trust me but I convinced him to let me go.

I did however decide to try and capture Pans shadow with a coconut that has holes in it, I've tried a few times which it didn't work but this is my last chance and I need to make it count.

I went into the darkest part of the island to where all of the shadows are trapped, I waited for the shadow to come when I heard the weird but horrifying sound of the shadow I got myself prepared of an attack.

He swoop down which I lighted the coconut candle inside and watched the shadow get sucked inside, I quickly closed the coconut with the other part of it and tied it down just in case.

I ran out of there before I could get tortured from the screams of the other shadows, once I was out I needed to hide the shadow before Pan finds out what I have been doing.

I found a tree stump with a small hole, I placed it underneath and placed some leaves over top to cover it before going back to camp.

* * *

"Oh my God Pan can't I just take him with me just the both of us? Like seriously you need to stop being so protective." I grunted as I rolled my eyes ignoring his stupid lecture.

"Why should I? You are probably just trying to run away!"

"If I was going to hide somewhere on this island you would know anyway! It's your stupid island." I pointed out, at the moment we are arguing over why I couldn't go take my little baby brother out for a nice swim to practice so he knows how to since my so called mother never let us out of the apartment.

"I said no! No is no." ugh he is such a demanding ass.

"I'm taking him weather or not since she never let him take swimming lessons and I want him to learn in case he does go swiming!"

"Ugh you know what if your not back by sun down then I'll kill you both." he demanded in anger.

* * *

I took Edith to the tree stump that I left Pans shadow, I placed Edith where the shadow would come out so he could just grab onto him before the shadow can take him some here safer.

I counted down but when I opened the coconut that I made to trap the shadow I heard Pans voice, I watched the glimpse of Edith flying away with the shadow into the second star.

A tear rolled down my face knowing I may not be able to see him again, I looked back at Pan with a pissed off face for helping Edith escape.

"How dare you! I new something was up!" he yelled, I could almost imagine smoke coming up if his ears and a horn going off with his anger.

"He is better off then here with you!" I fired back.

"Your going to regret what you just did!"

He then dragged me back to camp to probably to torture me but at least Edith can't get hurt from this monster.

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