Isnt it funny how love can lie but some how the twisted truth is in between. You tell me you love me and than you hurt me and than he tells me he wants me than hurts me. Am I really the person everyone hurts am I that girl? I just wanted happiness I wanna know what it is like. He has been there 11 plus years and you have been there a month not even and you still know more than he will ever understand. Once the trust is there and your break it there is no trust. And that's where we fall apart. And that's how the lies start. He hasnt lied but he has mangled his word enough to cause panic and you just straight out and killed me. I don't understand why. You had the power of no. But than you brag, and are glad with what you did but you didn't think about what that does to me. The person you call your queen or the girl you want. Are you using me? Are you sure you want me? I know he does but I'm not the match for him. I'm not about the street life anymore. I just want clarity and understanding of life. That life isn't me anymore. I'm done with fighting and constant running. I can't do this anymore. And all you do is want me for one thing and I don't know if that is true. Do you love me? Do you dare to use the L word. Or is this where Love lies and the twisted truth. Put your feelings a side and stop think about what I have said. I'm scared to do anything for one reason. You completely change but so has he. My friends tell me to walk away and forget I ever met him and some of those friends say your not any better. People that have know you longer than me. I get your past I get the things you have done. But really I'm confused. I'm hurt broken and lost. I sit every morning waiting for you to say something and I say everything first.
Love lies
But we share similar ties
Love dies
All I do is fly
One last high
Singing the song
It won't be for long
I want to be with you
And so do you too
Words twisted in the truth of lies
But I don't know if this is hello or goodbye
You pull me close and kisses me
I have the key
Everything is twisted in one lie
I guess this is goodbye
But to who.