Crash Landing

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Hades and Nemue were making final bits to their plan. They had everything they needed. Well, minus what they needed from Emma. He stared at her, a grin revealing his crooked teeth. Together, they walked downstairs into the basement, Hades flaming hair providing the only light during their descent.

They stared at the man they had trapped inside the cell. He had his head lowered to the ground in defeat, but he lifted it when Nemue coughed meaningfully.

"It's over, Merlin," she said triumphantly. He stared at her, his eyes puffy from crying. However, despite the horrible state he was in, he still held a defiant look in his eye. He replied, but his voice shook from the pain he'd gone under.

"Emma will never let it happen," he snapped, coughing up blood. "She and the pirate will stop you. They know how to."

Hades grin grew even more, spreading literally from ear to ear. "That's where you're wrong, Merlin. I made a deal with Emma a few days ago. She knows what I need, and she's helping me to get it."

Fear flashed in Merlin's eyes. "You're lying," he whispered. "You have to be lying. Emma would never agree to that. Neither would Killian."

Nemue stepped forward, reaching her hands through the bars and stroking his cheek, faking hurt when he winced away from her touch. "Not only has she agreed to help us to get it, but she's also agreed to stay out of the way," he crowed, throwing his head back in an evil laugh.

Merlin's eyes widened. "We both know what you need. And if there's a way for you to get it, then Emma has to be-"

"Alive," Nemue interrupted. "Yes... the Savior was quite willing to make a deal when Geppetto sacrificed his life to bring her back. Willing to do just about anything to bring her puppy dog with her. And he is a part of the agreement as well."

Hades walked upstairs to leave the battered sorcerer and Nemue to chat and called upon a fury.

"Megara," he hissed as soon as the fury turned into human form. She immediately demanded a question.

"Where's Hercules?" Worry laced her tone of voice.

"You will get your precious boyfriend back after I get what I want." He stared at her hard, willing her to do what he needed done.

"Now, you know what you need to do." He called her back as she started to walk away.

"Megara!" She paused. "Only give Miss Swan the push she needs. Let the pirate deliver the ingredient." Meg glared at him and went to the lake.


Emma casually filled out paperwork at the sheriff's station, avoiding eye contact with David at all costs. After their run-in at Granny's two days ago, more and more walls starting building in Emma's mind. However much she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't help but feel like there was some truth in what they were saying.

She wanted to believe them about her being David and Mary Margaret's daughter. But she couldn't. How could she? She had memories of her past. Being an orphan, meeting Killian, dating him only five years ago... there was no way for them to be telling the truth. Yet that didn't shake the fact that they certainly believed it to be true. Her 'superpower' as she called it said that they were telling the truth. And her gut was telling her that something was wrong.

Even if the curse and everything were true, these people were holding something back. Hiding something... something bad. And Emma wanted to find out what. She slammed her hand on the desk, causing David to jump.

"What aren't you telling me," she demanded. He seemed genuinely confused.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

She turned around and stared at him, long and hard. "There's something you're not telling me about my supposed 'past self'. Tell me what."

He scrunched up his face. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Emma softly laughed and lowered her head. "Don't lie, David. You know I want to believe you about this whole thing. That I've found you and Mary Margaret-my parents. But you have to help me believe."

He smiled at her as though trying to reassure her that nothing was wrong. "It's nothing, Emma. I'm just trying to be protective." He leaned forward from his chair to grab Emma's hand but she jerked away.

"No... that's not it." She stood up, staring at the clock. 3:00pm. "Oh, look. Work is over," she said, grabbing her jacket and running out the door, infuriated. She heard him calling her name but she didn't stop running.


Killian decided to work with Belle a few more hours at the library. They became good friends ever since he started working there, and he felt like he'd met her before, but knew he couldn't have. As he went to put some books back in the shelf where they belonged, his phone buzzed. He glanced apologetically at Belle, who nodded, signaling him to go outside to answer it. He pulled the iPhone out of his pocket and saw Emma's photo flash on his screen.

Sliding his finger across the screen, and answered the phone, squinting his eyes at the harsh sunlight.

"Emma? What's going on? I'm working an extra few hours if that's what you're worried about," he said.

"No. No. It's not that at all. I just... I needed to hear your voice." Something sounded off in her tone, as if something was wrong.

"Swan, you're forgetting that I know when something's up. What is it? I can tell Belle that something came up if you want-"

"No," she insisted. "It's just... this whole place. It's like I've been here before but I haven't. I want to believe these people about everything. That's crazy though, right?"

Killian sighed, relieved that she also felt that way. "You're not crazy. I feel the same way, too. When I'm around Belle."

He heard her take a sudden sharp intake of breath and her voice dropped to a whisper. "Someone's coming. I gotta go."

"Emma, wait!" His plea was of no hope. Slamming his eyes shut, he took a deep breath and went back inside. He continued working, but something kept him distracted the entire day. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. After what felt like weeks, the clock struck 8:00pm and Belle told him he could leave.

He stepped outside and into the frigid cold air, relieved when he saw Emma on the other side of the street, staring at him.

"Emma," he sighed, desperately wanting to hold her in his arms. He instantly started walking across the street, and she did the same. He was so focused on wanting to hug her that he was oblivious to the car that was racing straight towards him. Killian was still on the side of the road closest to the clock tower. He was only snapped out of his daze when he saw fear and alarm flash in Emma's eyes as she suddenly sprinted forwards.

"Killian, look out!" she screamed as she pushed him backwards. As he was sent flying backwards from her hands sending him flying backwards, he watched in slow motion as the car crashed into Emma. He could hear the sound of her head smacking off the windshield of the drunken driver's car. Her tumbling body was the last thing he saw before the back of his head hit the curb and everything went black.

Author's note: Next chapter will hit you right in the feels. Especially if you love Emma's character.

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