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Emma was walking towards Killian, ready to vent about all the crap she'd just heard. He seemed transfixed with her gaze, and didn't flinch when the sound of squealing tires sounded just to Emma's left. She didn't even have to turn her head to know that a car was racing towards Killian.

Screaming out, "Killian," she sprinted forwards and pushed him backwards with all her strength just before the car slammed into her. Everything around her became oblivious to Emma except for the sound of ribs cracking as her body was flung across the roof of the car. Everything seemed to have happened in slow motion for she felt the pain before she even hit the ground. Yet somehow, she was still awake, facing Killian's limp body. His body was slouched against the curb of the sidewalk, his handsome face resting calmly on the sidewalk itself.

Pain scorched Emma's body like fire, but all she cared about was Killian. Despite all the pain she was in, she forced her body to crawl towards him, the car and drunk driver nowhere in sight. But just before she could reach his body, she became aware of someone watching her. Ignoring her instincts to call out for help, she turned and stared at the woman.

"What do you want," she hissed, aware that the person was making no attempts to go and get help. However, there was a sad look on her face.

"You," the woman replied simply. Emma was confused.

"What the hell do you need me for? Can't you see that he needs help," she practically snarled, pointing at Killian's unconscious body.

The woman closed her eyes as though she were ashamed. "I'm sorry," was all she whispered before she leaned down and wrapped her arms around Emma's shoulders and slowly started to drag her down the street. Emma was too weak to fight back, but she managed to utter a few words, directed towards her love.

"Find me," she weakly whispered.


Killian woke up to a ringing in his ears. It took him a few seconds to remember why he was half sprawled on the street, half on the road. He instantly jumped to his feet, ignoring the throbbing in his head and the black dots that appeared in his vision. 10:00pm.

"Emma!" Silence. He spun around in circles desperately trying to see her. A group of people suddenly appeared at the other end of the street, the street lights illuminating their forms. They rushed towards him when they caught sight of him. He inwardly groaned when he saw who it was. It was Regina, Henry, Robin, Mary Margaret and David. However, he pushed away his irritation with them when he reminded himself that Emma was hurt and nowhere to be found.

"Have you seen Emma," he instantly demanded when they came within earshot. David replied, his voice laced with sudden worry.

"No? Wouldn't she be with you?"

A tear escaped Killian's blue eye when he knew something was wrong. More black dots appeared in his vision as his fear began to grow.

"Car... drunk driver... hit Emma... she's gone," he gasped between the pounding in his head. He started running away to find her. The others ran to catch up with him, grabbing his arm and demanding to know the whole story.

"We were walking towards each other and a car started racing towards me. Emma pushed me out of the way and my head hit the curb, I guess. Emma was hit." He whipped around again and started walking again.

"Maybe she's at the hospital," David tried to reason. Anger filled Killian's head.

"You're the bloody sheriff. Someone would've called to report it. She's out there somewhere, hurt, and I'm going to find her!"

Mary Margaret spoke up. "Killian, wait!" He begrudgingly obeyed and faced them once again. "Let us help you. We'll cover more ground if we split up." She didn't give him a chance to respond and handed him a walkie talkie. "Call us if you find her. David and I will search the east side of the woods, you search the west. Regina, Robin, and Henry can search for her by the docks and the rest of town."

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