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Emma awoke an hour later to a pitch black room. Just before her eyes could adjust, the lights were turned on and she had to squint so as to not blind herself. She tried to move around, but found that she was pinned down to a table.

How original. Like I've never been in this type of situation before.

What Emma didn't expect was a man suddenly attaching wires to her body. Her arms, legs, and head were taped with them. Twisting her head to the side, she saw the same machine Regina had been plugged to when Greg and Tamara were in town.

She glared at him. "What do you want, Greg. And how did you get back?"

Emma gasped as Greg turned the level to one and pushed the button for a second. The volts entering her body felt like fire.

"You know what I want." He paused and chuckled. "You know, you really should make sure a person is dead before you leave them behind. Especially in a place like Neverland. I'm here to finish what I first set out to do." He leaned forwards until he was directly in Emma's face. "Destroying this town."


*One hour earlier, as soon as Greg was out of sight*

"We have to go after him!"

"No, we have to find Regina. She still has her magic. She can get Emma back for us." For once, Killian was the one who knew better than to go after Emma. Snow looked like she was going to protest.

"Think about it," he reasoned. "He has a knife. None of us have magic. We go after him and shoot an arrow or anything at him, he can hurt Emma, or worse. I'm not risking her life. No. The easiest and safest way is through Regina."

Snow begrudgingly nodded her head, but not after a moment of hesitation. They took off down the street towards the mayor's house and quickly knocked on the door. No one answered. They all shared a look of concern, and David knocked the door down. Snow and Charming made a move to step inside, but Killian held out his hand for silence. They obeyed, and Killian heard a slight scuffling noise coming from the kitchen.

Rushing to the room, he found Regina leaned up against the wall, clutching at her arm.

"Regina, what's wrong?"

"This cuff is what's wrong," she snapped, showing him the cuff. "Greg took me by surprise. I can't get it off. He said something about only the person who put it on being able to take it off."

"What if you tried cutting it off," he suggested, remembering how Zelena had done the same before they went to Camelot to save Emma.

"I tried," she uttered. "It turns the utensil into a liquid." Despite the danger Emma was in, he couldn't help but laugh at the soaked shirt he just noticed. "Why are you here, Captain," she snapped. "I don't have all day."

He grew serious again. "Greg took Emma. We-me and the Charmings-were hoping that you'd be able to help us to get her back."

She gestured to her arm. "Afraid not. But maybe..." she trailed off, deep in thought. Snapping out of it, she grew excited. "I have one of Emma's tears. If I can get the tear of someone who's wronged her most, then they can see where she is!"

"Great," he muttered. "Tell me, your majesty. Who's wronged Emma most?"

The Charmings stood impatiently in the doorway and froze when Regina spoke. "Them."


"Where are we?"

Greg looked up from the picture of Tamara that he was looking at. "We're in a place that they'd never think to look. We're here in your own house, dear Savior." He smiled. "Now it's my turn to ask a question."

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