You'd Make a Good Father

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Regina, the Charmings, Robin, and Henry all gasped for air as they emerged from the lake. They stared around, uneasy, when they didn't see Killian and Emma. Killian erupted from the surface a few seconds later and instantly began diving under the water as though looking for something. David grabbed him and lifted his head out of the water.

"Hook, what are you doing?"

"Emma," Killian gasped in response as he plunged into the water again. This time, he rose a few feet away from them with Emma in his arms, who was barely conscious.

"Someone call the bloody ambulance," he demanded. Robin and Henry raced off to get one while Killian explained what was going on.

"We were about to jump in," he stuttered, clutching Emma's body to his protectively. "Hercules appeared and stabbed her with a sword through the right side of her chest." He paused to check that she was still awake. "The wounds she received there must have come through with us!"

Snow and Charming looked expectantly at Regina. "Heal her!"

"I-I can't," she spluttered. "If those wounds are meant to kill her, the price of my magic would be to sacrifice someone else's life!"

Now on the land, he carefully set Emma down on the slick grass so that her head rested on his chest. Her eyes began to flutter closed, but he gently shook her head.

"Emma, don't go to sleep. Please," he whispered. "Stay awake. An ambulance is coming, alright? They're going to heal you right up, you hear?"

She tried to respond but a coughing fit seized her body and she coughed up some blood. Killian stared up at the others in worry before trying again to keep Emma awake.

"Hey, you listen to me. Henry is just a couple minutes away getting help. You have to hold on for him. He just got you back. Don't make him lose you again." Her eyes met his and he saw the vulnerability that she'd tried to hide for so long.

He picked her up again as the sounds of the ambulance grew louder and louder. The big, white car pulled off the road, and nurses and doctors jumped out of the vessel. A stretcher was pulled out from the back of the car and they placed Emma on it. Rushing to put her in the ambulance, they tried to stop the bleeding in her chest.

Surprisingly, they let Killian in the ambulance for the ride to the hospital along with Henry and Emma's parents. Perhaps out of respect, they stayed on the other side of Emma and let Killian murmur words of comfort to her.

He began to stroke her hand. "You'll be just fine, Swan. You're a strong individual; you can win this fight." They didn't stop him despite the fact that Emma had fallen unconscious. Whether or not he was aware didn't matter. All that mattered was that he wasn't going to allow her to let go.

"I know you have wounds all over your body, but you're still as beautiful as ever." Emma had marks on her back from the whip, bruises on her stomach from being punched and kicked, the sword wound in her chest, and incisions all over her arms and legs.

"Just like a broken heart, your wounds will heal. It may take time, but I don't care how long it takes. You are my everything, Emma. You figuratively and literally have my heart. "

The ambulance came to a halt and Killian assumed that they were at the hospital. Just before the doctors opened the door to take her inside, he leaned forwards, kissed her forehead, and whispered "I love you, Emma Swan."

Before they could follow the nurses inside, Dr. Whale confronted them.

"We'll call you as soon as we have any news on Emma. But for now, we need you to stay away. The townspeople need to know that everything is going to be okay. You being here will only worry them."

After having a stare down for about a minute, they slowly nodded their heads.

"Okay," Mary Margaret said. They went to Granny's to have dinner. When they arrived, they saw little Neal playing with Ruby. He turned his head and released an excited squeal when he saw his parents.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" He ran as quickly as he could to them, and they swept him up into a giant embrace. They thanked Granny and Red for watching him and ordered hot cocoa with cinnamon. Killian ordered one as well, wanting to stay sober in case they received any calls from the hospital.

Henry sat at the same booth as Killian.

"How'd you know it'd work," Henry asked.

"Hm?" Killian was distracted trying to stay strong and not give in to rum.

"Splitting you heart. How'd you know it'd work? How'd you know you two have true love?"

"I didn't," he confessed. "But I was prepared to die trying to save your mother." Killian decided to change the subject. "How're things going with you and that Violet girl?" He gave his signature smirk as Henry blushed.

"We've been dating for a while now. Her father seems to approve of me," he added.

"Think you've found your happy ending, ey?"

Henry looked at the floor and tried to prevent a smile from forming on his face. "Perhaps." he laughed when he saw Killian raise his eyebrow. "Okay, yes." Henry paused and suddenly looked curious. "Did you ever see my dad in the Underworld?"

Guilt pricked at Killian's heart. "I didn't" he said, lowering his voice. "He might be down there, but neither me nor Emma saw him down there." Sadness appeared on Henry's face.

"But that doesn't mean he isn't there. Or maybe he made it into Heaven," he quickly said.

Henry took a big gulp of his hot cocoa. He looked at Killian. "You might not be my dad, but your a close second," he suddenly stated.

Killian's jaw dropped in astonishment. Henry widened his eyes. "Sorry..."

"No, no. You just took me by surprise," he responded. "I'm honored you think of me as a fatherly figure, Henry."

Henry smiled. "You'd make a good father one day, Killian."

"Are you saying...?"

"Yeah, I approve of you and my mom," he said with a laugh. "You make her happy. And if she's happy, I'm happy. Plus you have an amazingly sweet side for my mom."

He didn't know what to say, so he simply smiled and scratched at the back of his head.

"Thanks, lad. But try telling that to your grandfather."

"He just missed the chance to be a protective father. He does like you, he just feels like he has to make up for what he missed," he said confidently.

Before Killian had the chance to respond, Snow and Charming walked towards them with Neal, and Henry slipped away out the door. Presumably to meet with Violet.

"And this," David said, crouching down to talk to Neal. "Is the man your sister loves."

The young lad gaped. "You're Killian?"

He smiled. "Indeed I am."

The boy playfully gasped. "He's gonna get me and eat me!" He turned around and charged away on his stubbly legs. Killian decided to play along.

"I'm gonna get you and eat you right up," he bellowed, standing up and stomping after the infant. As they played around, he thought back to what Henry had said,

"You'd make a good father one day, Killian."

Would he? He caught up to Neal and grasped him by the arms, lifting him high into the air, pretending to eat him. The boy squealed with laughter the entire time.

As he set Neal down, his phone buzzed and he quickly answered.

"She's awake but very weak. She's been asking to see you and Henry. Come immediately." Dr. Whale hung up the phone and Killian called Henry while he put on his jacket and started driving.

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