Recovery and an Old "Friend"

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Sorry for not uploading the past two days, I've been busy with stuff. 

Killian and Henry rushed into the hospital and charged down the hallway. When they arrived at the room that Emma was in, Henry respectfully gestured for Killian to go inside first. He nodded his thanks and walked through the door, carefully closing the door behind him.

He gave Emma a pathetic smile, trying to think of what to say. After a minute of awkward silence, he settled for, "Hey."

She half laughed and half coughed and responded with, "Hey," as well.

Killian hated seeing his beautiful Swan lay broken before him, but he knew he couldn't heal her. He walked forward, dragging a chair with him, and sat down, grabbing her hand. He gave it a little squeeze, and she returned the favor.

"So, we uh... we have..." she trailed off, blushing, too embarrassed to say those two words. He chuckled, too embarrassed to say them as well.

"Yeah, we do." There. Neither of them said it but the question was answered.

She looked at him questioningly. "Why'd you do it?

"Do what?"

"Come for me. You could've killed yourself. You didn't know if we had it." She sounded grateful yet ungrateful at the same time, as though she didn't like that he risked his life for her.

"You were going to do the same," he gently reminded her. She looked confused. "Before you died the first time."

She closed her mouth, knowing that he won the argument. He chuckled and called Henry into the room. The lad rushed in and hugged Emma as gently yet firmly as possible.

"Hey, kiddo," she said.

After an hour long conversation, Emma fell asleep. Henry left the building to get some sleep at Regina's, but Killian stayed behind for a while. She was still holding onto his hand, gripping it tightly, even in her sleep. Smiling sadly, he quietly got up and started to walk away. Emma stirred and called him back.

"Killian?" He turned and waved at her.

"Yes, love?"

"Stay with me?" He felt his eyes light up, and he quickly found another chair to rest his feet on. Dragging it over so it aligned with the previous chair, he sat down and rested his head on Emma's bed. The last thing he was conscious of doing was holding Emma's left hand with both of his.


Snow and Charming stopped at the hospital in the morning to see their daughter at eight o'clock. They walked into the room and Charming's face grew red with anger.

Killian was laying on the bed with Emma on top of him, her head resting against his chest and his arms wrapped around her body as though she were the most valuable thing in the world. A smile was etched on both of their faces.

Snow quickly grabbed David's arm and dragged him out of the room before he could do anything.

"David, let them be," she said.

"I will not let this stand," he retorted.

"Why can't you see that he makes her happy? Just leave them be."

"I just don't like that she's with a pirate. It's not right."

"And you're a shepherd," she snapped. He stared at her, eyes wide. "Get the point? Leave. Them. Be."

He sighed, nodded, and they left the building, deciding they'd come back later.


Emma woke up in a few minutes after Mary Margaret and David left. She was confused for a minute as to why she was on top of Killian for a moment before she remembered. Killian stirred beneath her, and she relished the look of confusion on his face. e clearly couldn't remember last night. Emma giggled, making him laugh as well.

"What's so funny?"

"Considering you can't seem to remember climbing in here last night... I'd say I have every right to laugh." She winked as she spoke and he grunted.

"Eh, whatever," he mumbled, his stubble brushing her face. He carefully slid out from underneath her and climbed out of the bed, stretching in the process.

Emma couldn't help but stare at his biceps as he stretched. He laughed when he saw her staring. Almost as if on cue, David and Mary Margaret entered the room. Killian left the room to let them talk to their daughter.


A week later, Emma was allowed to leave the hospital and roam around the town. Except only for a short while at a time. She was walking down the street with Killian and her parents. Her recovery was slow but sure, so long as she relaxed and gave her body time to heal.

Emma laughed at a joke David just said when they suddenly sped up their pace a little and turned back around so she was facing the three of them.

"Emma," Snow started, bouncing with excitement. "When you're recovered, we want to go back to the Enchanted Forest."

She started. "What-but to do so you'd need a magic bean or something?" She tried to sound like she wanted to go back, but in reality, she didn't. She was hoping that they didn't have a way.

"Regina found a magic bean in the Underworld and brought it back with us," David explained. Emma's heart dropped. "You can finally have the life you were denied!"

She took a step away from them, her jaw open but no sound coming from her. Little was she aware, she was walking closer and closer to a man waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"I don't want that life," she protested. Snow's face was full of confusion. "But Emma, the Enchanted Forest is where you belong. It's home!"

"This," Emma replied, gesturing around the town. "This world is my home. I grew up here. The life of a princess is not for me."

No one had the chance to reply because the man in the shadows of the buildings stepped out. Emma felt something thin and sharp rested against her neck.

"No one move or she dies," the man snickered. "The great savior, weak and powerless." His voice became serious. "You should've made sure I was dead before you left me there."

"You," Snow hissed at him.

Emma knew she couldn't elbow him without risking her safety. David took a step forward but froze when the man pressed harder against Emma's throat. She winced. He forced her to the ground and tied her hands behind her back before making her stand again.

He laughed and said, "Don't follow us."

Killian opened his mouth but Emma beat him to it. "It's okay," she mouthed. "It's going to be okay."

She was pulled around and they started walking away. Just as they rounded the corner, everything went black.

Who do you think it is? :O

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