New Feelings

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Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Days had passed since anyone had seen Emma. They'd gone back to the mines, but there wasn't even a sign to show that she'd been there. It was as if she'd simply disappeared. As if she never even existed. Especially considering that everyone from the Underworld world that the gang had talked to had no information of her whereabouts.

But at the same time, the strange part was that none of the residents were people that they knew. Maybe in the past, but they'd never interactd with them. Even Liam, whom Killian had said he'd been reunited with from his last time here, was gone.

They'd not seen Hercules nor Hades, and the mirror that Hades gave them just showed utter darkness. The only hope they had that the mirror was working was the continuous sound of something dripping.

Now they were standing in the Charming's apartment, contemplating what to do.

"I say we find that bloody Hercules, take his heart, and make him take us to Emma," Killian said, slamming his hand on the kitchen counter.

"We are doing no such thing of the sort," Snow protested.

"Do you have any better ideas, because I'm open to suggestions," he retorted. Her mouth opened to respond but no words came out of her mouth. "Exactly my point," he muttered.

Regina piped up. "I agree with the pirate," she said.

"Ex-pirate," he snapped. For a few minutes, Snow and Charming tried to convince Regina and Killian that taking Hercules' heart wasn't a good idea. Before it got too out of hand, Robin stepped in from where he and Henry had been having their own private conversation.

"What about that book of Henry's? Maybe it has something on Hercules that we could use against him."

Regina's eyes sparked with realization. "Of course!"

Unfortunately, Henry was shaking his head. "There's nothing about him or Hades in the book." He paused, thinking. "But that doesn't mean we don't know something about him. In the movie, he fell in love with a woman name Megara. Does that person sound similar to you?" His question was directed at Killian.

Growling angrily, he strode up to her and took her throat in his hands. "You did it to her. You're the reason she's on the brink of death."

The fury's eyes widened as she gasped for breath underneath his powerful grip. "Hades ordered me to," she managed to splutter.

"Why?" His grip tightened as his anger grew. "Why agree to do it? You clearly don't look proud of it."

"Because Hades has my love," she spluttered. He loosened his grip and she continued, holding her neck as she took deep breaths. "He told me that he would kill him if I didn't do as he said. I had no choice," she said, her head hanging in shame.

He thrust the glass at her. "Just take it and go," he snapped.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered as she took it from his grasp. "My name is Megara. But everyone calls me Meg."

"Names don't bloody matter to furies," he snapped as he turned away and jogged away.

"I met her..." he murmured. "She was the fury that took Emma's blood to Hades after her accident. She said that Hades would kill her lover if she didn't listen to him. Why?"

Henry looked confused. "Because Hercules is supposed to be a hero..." He trailed off. "Megara is his love. Hades must've done something to him so that he became one of his servants." his face suddenly brightened. "Maybe Hades had Hercules' heart," he declared.

Regina released an exasperated breath. "So we can't take his heart?"

"It appears not." David and Snow looked relieved. Killian suddenly became angry.

"You're happy that we've lost an opportunity to get Emma back?"

Before there was time for the argument to grow, a new voice made everyone jump.

"If you needed help finding your friend, you should have come to me."

Regina swallowed hard.

"After all, I am the mayor, and the tourguide, of this town. Unless, of course, the Captain thought he could do that himself."



(Emma's first person point of view)

Drip, drip, drip.

It was bad enough having to listen to the sound of the dripping water, but feeling it drip onto my forehead was too much. I've been strapped to the blasted table for days, maybe weeks. It was too dark for me to tell how much time was passing. However long it's been, it is absolute torture.

I can't wipe the water away with my hands and my entire body is strapped into place. This is driving me mad. I want to get the water off of my head, then I want to get the hell out of here. My level of sanity decreases with each passing drip.

But you know what the worst part about this whole thing is? He gave me back my heart before this started. I can feel the insanity creeping up on me, just like the darkness did.

Drip, drip, drip.

Oh will someone just stop that noise already? I'm fed up with this. For about the thousandth time, I try to use my magic, but it's to no avail. I just want to-

Drip, drip, drip.

That's it. I've had enough. I close my eyes and focus all of my energy-which isn't much since these water droplets have prevented me from sleeping-and try to break free. Much to my surprise, the leather straps all break and I sit up, wiping away the water. I grin wickedly, the exhaustion vanishing.

Them, I think. They started all of this. The people who just can't let go. And that wretched boy that couldn't let me live out my life.

I stand up and clumsily beginning walking around, looking for the door. I need to make them pay. A sudden screaming noise started to ring around the room. It was a female's scream, too. How I hope it's that pain that tried to be Henry's other mother. I hate her. Actually, let her have that pest. That's torture enough for her.

It takes me a minute to realize that it was I who was screaming. Maybe I was even more insane than I thought.

Finally finding the door, I fling it open, slamming my eyes shut at the sudden brightness and make my way down the long corridor. What is this? Some sort of maze? There are twists and turns everywhere, for crying out loud!

After what feels like ages, I come across another door. I don't even hesitate in opening it. What I finds surprises me.

Hades is sitting in a very nice looking chair and staring at me, as though he's been expecting me. I tip my head to the side, curious, as he leans forwards.

"How are you feeling, dear?" His voice is scathing, but I can hear the affection behind it. He does look rather dashing in those clothes.

I grin. "I feel like I've been reborn. I see everything... clearly." I dip my head. "Thank you."

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