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This chapter is directed towards Mr. Kahn. He's super important to me and I wouldn't have anyone to live for if I hadn't met him.

Dude, I really don't know what it is. I really don't know how you came to be the light at the end of each day. I really don't. But you're just... You. You are you.

I trust you more than I trust anyone else and I don't know why. I'm completely uncertain as to how this came to be. But it's you who I live for. This is so hard to explain....

The moment I see you each day I become happier. Better than I've been all day. It's usually not so difficult to find the right words...

Let's start here: I love you. Not in a romantic way but in more of a brotherly way. Everything about you makes me smile. I feel like you're family, though I only met you about seven months ago. When I'm around you I feel important. I feel safe. I feel happy and lucky. Those are things only you've accomplished. Every time I'm around you I feel like you're the light at the end of the tunnel. My savior.

I just want you to know that when I stay alive and fight you're the reason I did. You're the reason I didn't give up.

<3 you're special. I really don't know what I would do without you..

FTM: A Tricky LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora